chapter nine

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its now monday and thr school bell has just rung sounding the fact that the school day is over rachel makes her way to her locker she is feeling nervous. as she had recieved several messages from sebastian over the weekend and he had become more and more secretive about their second date. to the point that he wont tell her when he is picking her up which unnerves her as that means he could meet her dads and rachel is still scarred frommthe time they met fin and calked him a wonderfully husky man.

she had to admit to herself that the date on friday wasnt as bad as she thought she did start to find his cocky wit quite funny by the end of the night and she was pleased that he hadnt tried anything on. rachel sorted her licker out before putting her cardigan on.

" hello lovely" sebastian said behind her she froze thennturned and saw him beaming at her

" you came here" rachel said

" it sure looks that way" sebastian chuckled

" but i..." rachel said

" are you nearly ready" sebastian asked

" well no" rachel said

" you look ready to me " sebastian said

" where are we going" rachel asked

" you will know soon enough come on" sebastian said rachel saw some of the looks sebastian was getting from the other pupils.

" i have to go to the bathroom" rachel said

" okay i will wait here for you " he said taking her school bag from her.

rachel walked quickly to the toilets rachel was confused at first when he had spoken and she knew he was there at mckinley she worried about the glee club seeing him. however there was another thought on her mind that actually seemed to bother her more. the fact that she was dressed for school the fct that her make up was school chic was it weird that she wanted to look nice for their date.

rachel tidied up her hair and reapplied her lipgloss then headed back out to find him still stood by her locker.

" im ready" rachel said

" good" sebastian said walking out next to her still holding her bag.

" im i meeting you there" rachel asked looking at her car

" no your coming with me i will drop you off for your car later" sebastian said

" oh" rachel said

" do you want to put your school bag in your car save carting it about" sebastian said

" okay" rachel said as she unlocked her trunk she had a feeling sebastian was enjoying the view.

once her car was locked she followed him quickly to his car as she had spotted santana leaving the school building.

" so for what feels like the thousandth time where are we going" rachel asked as he drove out of the parking lot

" i think you will find your life alot easier if you just go with my flow" sebastian said

" you coukd have told me we were meeting straight after school" rachel said

" why" sebastian asked

" well i would have liked to have changed" rachel said

" nothing wrong with what your wearing i like the sexy school girl librarian chic look that you have its unique" sebastian said

" your making fun of me" rachel said

" no actually im not anyway what you wear isnt important its what i bet is underneath that i want" sebastian said rachel blushed and looked out of the car window.

" sohow you feeling about tomorrow " sebastian asked

" scared" rachel admitted

" who is going with you to the dentist" sebastian asked

" no one " rachel said

" wrong i am" sebastian said

" no its okay" rachel said

" what kind of boyfriend would i be if my girlfriend was scared and i wasnt there" sebastian said

" your getting ahead of yourself again" rachel said

" im not im merely stating a fact you are mine rachelyou might not know it yet but you are" sebastian said as he pulled up outside the lima bean he must have seen the look on her face.

" relax you wait here i will get the coffees" sebastian said as rachel sat there she wondered what his plns for tonight were.

" here you go" sebastian said as he got back in the car handing her coffee to her.

" thank you" rachel said

" your nervous about been seen with me" sebastian said he sounded hurt as he set off driving again

" yes" rachel admitted

" why" he asked

" im scared of the consequences " rachel said

" what do you mean" sebastian asked

" well santana and quinn they like to give me shit anyway" rachel said

" you just swore im quite turned on and about your concerns dont worry about them i wont let anyone bully my girl" sebastian said

" right then i have a proposition for you" sebastian said

" okay" rachel said

" if you are willing to do everything i want tonight i will allow you to plan our third date" sebastian said

" but i dont know what your wanting to do tonight" rachel said

" yes its exciting isnt it" sebastian said

" i.." rachel stuttered

" i promise to be 90 percent of a gentleman tonight if that helps" sebastian said rachel looked at him

"look the thruth is i havent got a clue what to do for our third date usually my third dates are buying them breakfast after the second date. but your different im not gonna rush you i mean i wouldnt say know if you were up for it but i fully understand that i wont be getting any for atleast four days" sebastian said

" four days" rachel exclaimed

" im joking i have waited a long time to reach this point im not gonna rush it now and screw it up but like i said if you agree to do what i have planned you can decide what we do for our third date" sebastian said

" fine" rachel said

" your sure" sebastian asked

" not really" rachel said

" thats good enpugh for me" sebastian said

author notice

hi huys hope your enjoying this story next chapter tonight

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