chapter four

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as rachel and mercedes walked into dalton the reality of been at their rival school kicked in what if sebastian had lured them here rachel was thinking when the man himself appeared infront of her.

" so do you guys wear the blazer all the time" mercedes asked

" we have to until nine oclock at night but lets be honest you girls would be disappointed if i wasnt wearing it" sebastian said the two girls looked at each other.

" right then ladies follow me" sebastian said leading them through the acadamy once they stopped outside a room sebastian opened the door and stepped back for them to enter first.

" wow" rachel exclaimed seeing the piano and other musical instruments

" yes dalton has great equipment " sebastian said and winked at her

" okay shall we begin writing my number one hit" mercedes said

" ofcourse" sebastian said as the door opened and a boy walked in

" sebastian mom wants to talk to you" the boy said rachel and mercedes exchanged looks sebastian smythe had a brother.

" okay excuse me a moment ladies make yourselves comfy oh this is my little brother skylar" sebastian said  the younger boy waved and followed sebastian out of the room.

" hold up he has a brother blaine never told us about that " mercedes said

" maybe blaine didnt know" rachel said

" wonder how old he is" mercedes said

" maybe a freshman" rachel said as sebastian walked back in the room

" sorry about that family matter now where we were have you got any ideas for the songs theme mercedes" sebastian said

" your brother" mercedes said

" you want to sing about my brother now me i could understand but him" sebastian said

" no its just we didnt know you had a brother" rachel said

" yes after having me my parents thought given i was so perfect the world deserved more just like me and had skylar " sebastian said

" is he a freshman " mercedes asked

" does he look like a freshman" sebastian asked

" yes" rachel said

" he is a sophomore im a junior like you guys" sebastian said

" we are seniors " rachel said

" ooh really older woman thats exciting" sebastian said winking at her again

" okay i think we need to focus" mercedes said

" i think we need pizza " sebastian said

" ok" rachel said they ordered the pizza then started  brainstorming ideas

" i think your catchphase would be a great title" rachel said

" my catchphase" mercedes asked

" yes hell to the no" rachel said

" thats a very good idea" sebastian said

" alright then hell to the no it is now lyrics i have to mention tots" mercedes said as she started scribbling down words. as skylar came back in the room.

" hey" he said he seemed shy making it hard to believe he was sebastian's brother

" they dont bite skylar come sit down" sebastian said and his brother walked over and sat next to him

" are you new here" rachel asked

" yes only came to dalton three days ago" skylar said

" he remined in paris with our parents but he missed me to much to be away from me any longer " sebastian said skylar just looked at him.

" so you guys are close then" rachel asked

" we used to be when we were younger" sebastian said

" we are still its just i dont  always approve of his behaviour " skylar said

" niether do i" rachel said

" im not all bad" sebastian said though he was laughing

" im more like our mom sebastian is like dad" skylar said

" im guessing you been bere means your after some pizza" sebastian said

" ofcourse" skylar said rachel could see a faint resemblance between them.

" so are there anymore smythe siblings " mercedes asked

" we have a little sister and by little i mean little sge is only four" skylar said

" think our parents got carried away on a weekend away" sebastian said

" whats her name" rachel asked

" shania" sebastian said as his phone buzzed

" thats the pizza" sebastian said getting up and leaving the room skylar looked nervous without his big brother.

" so you like dalton" rachel asked

" yeah its alright one bonus of been seb's brother nobody will dare be mean to me"skylar said

" i hope your all talking about me" sebastian said arriving bsck with the pizzas skylar moved to sit next to rachel but sebastian glared at him so he went and sat bck where he was and sebastian sat down next to her.

" looks good" rachel said

" thank you i have bedn doing a rigorous exercise regime " sebastian said

" i meant the pizza" rachel said

" you and i are more tasty than a pizza rachel" sebastian said grabbing a slice.

" so you guys go to mckinley isnt it scary" skylar asked

" how do you mean" rachel asked

" well i heard there are no rules at public schools" skylar said

" who told you that " rachel asked looking at sebastian as she spoke

" well its just a common thought amongst the guys here" skylar said.

" you know wh this is dont you skylar " sebastian asked pointing at rachel

" yeah she is your girlfriend " skylar said

" im not his girlfriend " rachel said

" not yet" sebastian said

" you told him i was your girlfriend " rachel asked

" its going to happen maybe i was a litttle premature with it but it will happen" sebastian said

" i cant believe this" rachel said standing up

" im sorry" sebastian said

" rachel two more minties and i think the lyrics will be done then i need music" mercedes said rachel sat back down but wasnt happy.

" in my defence i thought he woulsd say you were rachel berry" sebastian said

" thats your defence" rachel said

" im sorry" sebastian said

" how many more leople have to told" rachel demanded

" just me and nick" skylar said

" she was talking to me" sebastian said

" she was yelling at you" skylar said

" right i need music" mercedes said

" let me look over your lyrics first" sebastian said

" he is an amazing song writer " skylar said

" can we hear one of your songs" mercedes asked

" you should sing if your not the one" skylar said and they sat in shock ss sebastian smythe blushed.

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