chapter twelve

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its Wednesday and rachel and sebastian are having  their third official date on saturday but have plans to meet up after school today . rachel is to go to dalton and hang out with him only as she is on her way to her car her dads phone her and tell jer to go home as there is a surprise waiting for her. she decidesto ring sebastian to twll him she will be later at getting to dalton.

seb: hello my sexy little songstress

rach: hi

seb: i love how i nocent you are it's gonna make our relationship even more fun

rach: im gonna be late getting to dalton

seb: uh

rach: my dad have just rung me and said there is a surprise at home so im just gonna go see whatbthat is then i will come okay

seb: okay aslong as its not from fin

rach: oh shut up( giggling )

seb: alright i will see you later you might have to kiss me to make up for been late though

rach: well if you feel that way then i guess i will have to

seb: oh i doi really do

rach: okay well i will se you soon bye

seb: bye love bunny

rachel drove straight home and was hoping it wasnt anything from fin as she was despite still having a alittle jaw and gum ache she was feeling pretty good. as rachel entered the house she couldnt help but smile as she saw her couin marley stood at the bottom of the stairs.

" marley" rachel exclaimed embracing her cousin

" surprise" marley said

" i cant believe it: rachel said

" well my mom is having her gastric badnd operation so im gonna be staying here for a while so im gonna attend mckinley for the rest of the school year " marley said

" thats amazing " rachel said

" so fin not with you" marley asked

" actually rachel has a new boyfriend" leroy said

" ooh really whats he like" marley asked

" actually you can come meet him if you want" rachel said

" okay " marley said

" i best ring him" rachel said as the two girls made their way to rachel's car

seb: hey babe so what was your surprise do i need to hit anyone

rach: its my  cousin marley she has come to stay for a while

seb: oh really are you guys close

rach: yes we are we

seb: well as she is important to you i think she should meet the most important person in your life me ofcourse

rach: thats why i rang you im bringing her to dalton

seb: best warn her there are a lot of sexually frustrated buys here

rach: well i expect you to protect us both

seb: im one of them

rach: i knew you were going say that

seb: right then my love i shall let you get off so you can come to me

as the call ended rachel saw Marley smiling at her

" what" rachel asked

" well he certainly knows how to put a smile on your face " marley said as rachel set off driving she filled marley in on the situation with sebastian.

" so what you plnning to do on Saturday " marley asked after been told rachel was to plan their third date

" im still not sure but i think dinner at breadstixs it might not sound that amazing but at first i was worried about been seen with him bu my classmates so i thought that would show him im not worried about that anymore " rachel said as she pulled up outside dalton.

" wow is he rich" marley asked looking at dalton

" i think so" rachel said as they made their way into the school

" well hello there" thd said to marley

" marley this is thad thad this is my cousin marley" rachel said

" pleasure to meet you " thad said kissing marley's hand

" okay easy" sebastian said arriving with skylar by his side

" you got your girl give the rest of us a chance" thd said sebastian smirked at him

" it was lovely to meet you" thd said before walking off

" hello im seb rachel's  boyfriend and this is my  young and not as goodlooking brother skylar who insisted on been here" sebastian said

" hello" skylar said smiling at marley

" hi" marley said rather shyly

" would you like a tour" skylar asked marley

" oh um okay" she answered and skylar linkee her arm and set off leaving rachel and sebastian stood watching them.

" well he certainly has the smythe charm" rachel said

" yeah but im hotter. " sebastian said

" true" rachel said

" so shall we get the making up done" sebastian asked before pulling her to him nd kissing her

" so have you thought of what you want to do with me on Saturday " sebastian asked

" well i have been struggling to think of something i have an idea but i dont know if its good enough " rachel said

" well tell me will we be together " sebastian asked

" yes" rachel said

" within kissing distance " sebastian said with his arms still round her

" yes" rachel said

" sounds perfect " sebastian said

" well its just you remember our second date when you called to the li a bean and you notoced I was worried about been seen with you" rachel said

" yes i remember thati got to kiss you for the first time that day was pretty much the best ever" sebastian said

" well i thought we could go to breadstixs for dinner on Saturday " rachel said he studied her for a moment

" but we might be seen together " sebastian said

" i know but i dont care anymore" rachel said

"so you want people to know your dating me" sebastian said

" yes" rachel said

" i can believe that i look forward to it" sebastian said befire kissing her again

" we best find marley" rachel said after they finished

" she will be fine skylar isnt as bold as i am its you who should be worried" sebastian said

" hey rach" marley said as she arrived back with skylar

" that was quick" sebastian said to skylar who blushed

" well its a big school its not gentleman like to tire a girl out " skylar said

" oh i dont know about that" sebastian said winking at rachel

" shall we go to our dorm we could order pizza" skylar asked

" sounds good to me" sebastian said as both smythe brothers linked their arms and walked them to their dorm.

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