chapter ten

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as sebastian drove rachel wondered if she had done right agreeing but she had to admit he was making an effort with her and had remembered about her dental appointment tomorrow.

" right then here we are" sebastian said as he pulled up outside the westerville community college

" what are we doing here" rachel asked

" having fun and hopefully getting you to really fall in love with me" sebastian said as they got out of the car rachel followed him inside

" hello are you sebastian " a lady asked

" yes you must be joy" sebastian said

" i am you must be rachel" joy said

" yeah" rachel said

" come on through" joy said they followed her  into a room rachel saw it was a kitchen

" now then i understand you want to cook a three course dinner together then have it boxed up for you to eat later" joy said

" yes please" sebastian said

" so we are cooking" rachel asked

" yep we are going to cook together ourselves with help naturally then go to a location that is a secret and eat it" sebastian said handing her an apron

" okay" rachel said surprised by it all

" so firstly we are going to sort the main course out so hear we have chicken breasts which we will cook in a creamy sauce" joy said rachel had never liked the feeling of cold meat sebastian must have picked up on it because once he hd removed his blazer and put his ownn apron on he rolled up hu sleeves and started to follow joys direction and butterfly the breasts.

" im not goid with the feel of cold meat" rachel said

" dont worry about it im just pleased to get my hands on so e breasts" sebastian said

" so you two been together for long" joy asked

" its our second date actually" sebastian said

" oh nice idea" she said

" i try well i have to she aint the average girl so it cant be an average date" sebastian said

" rachel how about we get started on the sauce" joy said

" sure okayc rachel said

rachel had never really cooked before she hadnt done bad onnthe few occasions she had tried but she had been trying to get kurt to go to a cookery class with her for ages.

they were making red velvet cupcakes for desert and joy insisted that they both had to use their hands to mix the flour something which sebastian was very pleased about as he kept nipping her fingers in the bowl at first rachel was shocked especially as joy was watching them but she had to laugh as he was feigning that he wasnt doing anything.

once they had finished cooking and were waiting for their foid to finish cooking rachel had to dmit she was more relaxed around him this time and while the last date wasnt as awkward as she thought it would be this one had been fun.

" im gonna box your food up for you wont be long i hope you guys enjoyed it" joy said

" i did" sebastian said

" me too i have thought of doing a cookery course for a while " rachel said

" i didnt know that" sebastian said

" yeah i was hoping kurt would do it with me kurt i my best gay" rachel said

" forget him i will" sebastian said

" you would do it with me" rachel said

" definitely and the cooking classes" sebastian said rachel blushed

"i should have worded that differently " rachel said

ten minutes later joy brought them a box and handed it to sebastian who carried it to his car and put it in the trunk.

" so im guessing the location is still a secret" rachel asked as he set off

" your finally getting used to my way of doing things yay" sebastian said as it was sebastian pulled up at a park which there was a lot ofpeople sat on the grass he got out and handed rachel a blanket and he carried the box.

" its busy " rachel said as he stopped and indicated for her to put the blanket down

" they are showing funny girl projected on the old  church wall i know you love barbra so at first i was gonna make a picnic hamper up and bring you here then i thought it would be cool to make the foid together. plus it was one way of spending more time with you." sebastian said

" i cant believe i didnt know about them showing it" rachel said as she sat down sebastian was sorting out the food

" im just hoping kurt doesnt know about it" sebastian said

" if he did he would have told me" rachel said

as rachel sat there eating watching funny girl she had to admit fin had never put this kind of effort in when they dated. rachel had to admit she teally had enjoyed herself tonight mosy0t people would think watching a film shown on an old church in the park was boring for a teenager. thruth was it was very rachel and sebastian seemed to enjoy it too.

as the film ended rachel actually was feeling quite emotional she knew sebastian was in love with her the songs had proven that. he had planned tonight so she would enjoy herself so she could be herself enjoying what she did. she couldnt help but feel touched by it.

" so did you enjoy it " sebastian asked as the credits rolled

" it was amazing" rachel said

" i meant the date " sebastian said somewhat shyly for him

" so did i" rachel said and the smile that spread on his face was like nothing she had seen before.

" so does that mean i might be closer to standing a chance" sebastian asked

"  yeah" rachel said blushing he reached over placed his fingers on her chin making her look up at him before she knew it his lips were on hers and she found herself kissing back.

author notice

hi guys hopefully next update tonight if not then tomorrow

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