chapter eleven

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the next day rachel is nervous about having her wisdom tooth out sebastian has been texting her constantly to see if she is alright also regularly informing her that there are plently more kisses coming her way.

the school day races by rachel is to meet sebastian had her house her dads are working late he is going to drive her to the dentist.

as rachel arrives home she sees sebastian stood by his car looking downright gorgeous he smiles at her as he sees her.

as rachel heads over to his car his smile gets wider before he moves closing the distsnce between them wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her.

" its funny i have been thinking bout you all day how your not gonna be able to kiss me for a couple of hours whereas now i dont know how i will cope" sebastian said

" awe " rachel said

" i know im so adorable" sebastian said as he opened the car door for her

once sebastian was in the car and had set off pulling away from her house rachel started to get really nervous about the dentist.

" you okay" sebastian asked

" im scared" rachel said

" its okay im gonna be there the whole time now i might pass out if i see blood but my heart is in the right place" sebastian said

" thanks for coming with me. " rachel said

" i am a very dutiful boyfriend" sebastian said

" i hope i dont embarrass myself" rachel said

" i wont hold it against you thruth is seeing you in pain i might i cry" sebastian said

" oh god" rachel said laughing

" its true when thad told me he overheard quinn saying she had slapped you  a while ago i wept " sebastian said

" all the warbler know about my feelings for you rachel you do know that dont you. they figured something was wrong because and this might shock you but i can be rather full of myself sometimes and cocky i know your shocked i can see it in your eyes you just cant imagine it can you. when thad came in and said he had heard her I freaked out demanding to know you were alright " sebastian said rachel laughed

" you could come to dalton after the dentist i will take care of you" sebastian added

" my dads will be home then" rachel said

" damn" sebastian said as they then pulled up outside the dentists.

" come on then loveky the sooner its done the sooner i can start taking your mind off it" sebastian said opening the car door for her and offering her hus hand which she took.

once sat in the waiting room rachel was fidgeting in her seat

" you need a distraction " sebastian said brfore kissing her

" rachel berry" the dentist called sebastian pulled away

" damn it i was gettihg into that" sebastian said as he held rachel's hand as they walked into the dentists room.

"hell rachel and its nice to finally meet you fin" the dentist saud

"fin is history im sebastian " sebastian said

" oh" the dentist said

"  so he never came with you then" sebastian asked rachel

" no he didnt" the dentist said as rachel was shaking in the  chair.

" now then lets get you numbed" the dentist said rachel instinctively reached for sebastian's hand as the dentist brougth the needle close to her.

" try to think of something else" the dentist said to her

" imagine me in the shower naked" sebastian said

" we are trying to calm her not excite her" the dentist chuckled

forty minutes later and it ws all over with rachel was feeling sore and sorry for herself but as she walked out kf the dentists office with sebastian one thjng that had oocured to her was at know point during having her tooth pulled and her crying and getting into a state had she felt self conscious of sebastian seeing her like that.

" you wanna go home" sebastian asked

" peaz" she said as best she could with been numbed

they didnt really talk on the way back to her house because she couldnt manage it though they were sil3nt it was a comfortable silence she wasnt feeling awkward around him today.

" here we are" sebastian said as he pulled up outside her house rachel got out lf the car as sebastian had gone to the trunk lf his car.

as rachel let them into the house she turned and saw sebastian holding a gift bag and a bunch of flowers.

" you didnt need to..." rachel started to say as best as she could

" yes i did" sebastian said handing the flowers to her

" butyful" rachel said

" yes i am now what do you think of the flowers" sebastian said making her laugh which hurt her face.

" sorry" he said as he followed her through to the kitchen as she put the flowers in some water.

" here " sebastian said handing the gift bag to her which was quite large rachel looked inside and pulled out a large teddybear with a big red heart on it which read s s loves r b.

" awe" rachel said

" you can hug that on a night before you want the real thing" sebastian said

" tank u" rachel said

" you sound so adorable like that" sebastian said

" now as you cant eat for a while shall we pop in a dvd and chill out" sebastian asked rachel nodded.

" you can cuddle me if you want" sebastian said as he put his arm around her as they walked into the living room.

author notice

hi guys next chapter later tonight

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