chapter fourteen

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hi guys this will be the final chapter of this story im currently working on unexpected kindness plus new unpublished stories hoping to publish a new story within the next couple of days.

its now monday and rachel is in spanish class sat next to mercedes and has just recieved her fifteenth text from sebastian who has been sending countdown texts telling her how long until they see each other.

" okay girl you havent stopped smiling all day and if anything its getting wider as the day goes on now tell me does it have anything to do with a rather dishy song writing warbler" mercedes whispered rachel giggled

" so its going well then " mercedes said she knew of their dates but didnt know they were officially dating

" he keeps telling me how long until i see him" rachel said

" awe i never thought him adorable but he is fast proving that he is" mercedes giggled

" marley has been on two dates with skylar" rachel said

" seriuosly it seems they like berries" mercedes said

" he is coming here after school " rachel whispered

" oh thats gonna be fun to see" mercedes said as the bell rang

" well it looks like your gonna be smiling even more soon" mercedes said as it was now home time.

the two girls headed out of the classroon and said goodbye to each other as their lockers were far away from each other rachel spotted marley waiting al her locker.

" hey" rachel said

" hey rach im supposed to meet skylar at the cinema tonight and i dont have a clue what to where" marley said

" what about tha green summer dress with the beige cardigan" rachel said

" you think" marley asked

" yeah you look really nice in that" rachel said as she felt hot breath on her neck and felt lips caress her neck.

" hello sebastian " rachel said

" now how did you know it was me. " he chuckled in her ear

" i will go" marley said smiling at rachel who turned around to face sebastian

" hey..." rachel started to say but was cut off by him kissing her his hand on the back of her neck holdingher to him as he deepened the kiss.

" oh my god" santana  yelled near by causing them to break apart

" actually im rachel's god" sebastian said

" but how could you..." santana said to rachel

" quite easily given im as good looking as i am" sebastian answered for her.

" i cant believe it" quinn said arriving next to santana

" well believe it barbie oh and by the way you can keep fin rachel no longer requires him" sebastian said taking rachel's hand and leading her out of the school building.

" you really are somethig else" rachel said

" i know" sebastian said smiling at her only as they reached her caf fin was stood next to it.

" what the hell" fin said seeing them together

" you can't judge me" rachel said

" but him of all people " fin said pointign at sebastian

" yes him" rachel said

" why are you so surprised fin i told you i was gonna make her mine and i have i always get what i want and that means rachel barbra berry is all mine deal with it" sebastian said.

the end

hi guys i know this chapter is short but it seemed the right way to end the story hope you have enjoyed this story.

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