🐰Swift's first time meeting the TnaR characters🐰

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(A/N): Just to inform you guys that the image on top is from the same person Wolf con f who made the human designs of the FnaC characters from the last time I wrote a part 'Swift's first time meeting the FnaC' go check it out if you want. Enjoy 😊

Swift was told to help a security guard named Axel who's having trouble with his nightshifts at Doug & Rachel's. She knew that another day like this would come like meeting the FnaC so she went to Doug & Rachel's to help Axel out.

🌙12:00 am☀️

Swift:*Went inside the building* Okay this is less creepier than Candy's. *Starts walking to the office*

Axel:*Hears the footsteps* Must be the night guard to help me.

Swift:*Sees Axel* Uh hello?

Axel:*Looks at Swift* Uh hey? You're the person to help, right?

Swift: Yeah I am. I'm Swift by the way.

Axel: Name's Axel.

Swift: Nice to meet you...*Sees The Thing behind Axel* Uh Axel, don't move.

Axel: Don't tell me 🤦‍♂️. *Got snatched by The Thing* Aaahhh!!!

Swift: Axel! *Grabs Axel by the arms* Hey Demon! Let him go! *Yanks Axel back and grabs The Thing by the neck*

The Thing:*Being choked* Ack! Who are you?

Swift: Someone you don't mess with. Now go back to where you came from!

The Thing:*Went back to his place*

Axel: Oh my god I almost got killed!

Swift: Hey I least I saved you from that demon.

Axel: True and guessing its not gonna bother me until you leave.

Swift: Yeah. So let's get to work.

Pete:*Outside by the doors and saw what happened* Oh my word. How does she even do that? I must tell everyone about this. *Ran to tell his friends*

Everybody:*By the stage chattering*

Pete:*Ran to them* Guys!

Doug: Hey Pete. What's up? Why did you rush?

Pete: *Breathing heavily* It's just that there's someone new and facing The Thing to protect Axel.

Ray: What do you mean by 'Facing The Thing'?

Pete: I mean she grabbed him by his neck and-

Bane: What?! That's it I can't wait here longer! *Ran to the office*

Rachel: Bane! No!

Doug: Great. Come on guys.

Everybody:*Ran to get their Bull animatronic friend back*

[Meanwhile back to Swift and Axel]

Axel:*Looked through the cameras and saw Bane running* Uh Swift?

Swift: Got it. *Closes the first door*

Bane:*Crashes into the door* *BANG!* Ouch! Are you kidding me?!

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