🐱Laser vs Twin cats🐱

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Swift:*Filling in Mary's shift* I wonder... *Takes out a laser pointer*

Cindy:*Comes into the office* Hey Swift.

Swift: Hello Cindy. Hey what's that? *Points the laser on the floor*

Cindy: Nice try I'm not going to fall for that- *Tries to get it*

Swift:*Points the laser around the office*

Cindy:*Chases after it* Get back here!

Swift:*Points laser at a wall*

Cindy:*Slams into the wall* Me-ow!

Candy:*Comes in too* Yo Sis?

Swift:*Points the laser on the floor*

Candy: Oh red dot! *Tries to get it*

Swift:*Points laser on Cindy*

Candy:*Tackles into Cindy*

Cindy:*Lowly growls* Hey get off of me Catnip Brain!

Candy: Hey don't call me that Tuna Breath!

Cat Twins:*Ended up having a "Cat" fight*

Swift: Huh it actually worked.
Mike: Hey I'm the only who makes the puns!

Swift: Sorry not sorry.

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