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(A/n: Before I start, I just want to let you know that yes. I know Allura forgave him, and they made up, BUT! All for the sake of ONE fanfiction, couldn't hurt, right? No, I don't hate Allura, but she was the only one out of Team Voltron who was judging Keith for his blood. So, with that being said, I don't want to see comments like, "Allura's so cool and nice, why is she so mean in this?!" This is NOT canon, hence why it's called a FANFICTION. Now, without further ado~ I'll start the story.)

UPDATE AUGUST 2017- This was written BEFORE the Paladin handbook was released, so if the ages are incorrect, sorry fam. :/

Keith laid in bed, thinking about....things.... I have Galra blood running through my veins for at least 16 years, and I only find out now?! "I DON'T GET ANY OF THIS CRAP!!" exclaimed the raven haired boy as he punched the wall. He began to take deep breaths, and then, something began to happen. Something Keith hadn't done in a very long time; he began to cry. "I just don't get it..... Why doesn't Allura accept me for who I am? I didn't want to be Galra.... I never asked to be like this...." whimpered Keith, his hands forcefully placed on his head. "I HATE MYSELF!" yelled Keith as he pulled his hair.

The teenager quit tugging at his raven locks, and began to focus on the blade of Marmora that was on his nightstand. "It's all because of this stupid blade! Damn you, you peice of shit!" exclaimed Keith as he grabbed the blade from its place. He then threw it at the wall just as the door to his room opened. "WOAH," squeaked Shiro, his eyes going wide. The blade ended up getting stuck in the wall right outside of his room.

"Uh, S-Shiro?" said Keith, his eyes averting from the blade to the black paladin. "Are you okay, Keith?" asked Shiro, walking towards the weak teenager. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, for starters, you almost kinda hurt me back here, with the blade and all..... And secondly, I heard yelling from my room. Is..everything...okay?" the 25-year old asked again, but this time with more concern.

"Yeah..... I'm just fine...." said Keith, his tired eyes starting to look puffy. "I'm sorry I kept you up.... I'll be fine, Shiro... Just, head to bed..." sighed Keith, walking outside to retrieve the purple blade. "Okay, but if anything happens.... You have us, okay?" reminded Shiro, assuring Keith a little bit. Keith nodded as the black paladin left his room; leaving him in the dark room, alone.

Keith pulled the blade from the wall, and then walked back to his bed. He placed the blade on his nightstand once again, and fell backwards on his bed. "Tomorrow's another day...... Another day of hell......" said Keith to himself as his bangs fell on his eyes.

The red paladin slowly closed his eyes out of tiredness, and then eventually fell asleep around 4 in the morning. Although he was asleep, his thoughts still trapped him inside his own world; a void of nightmares and regrets.

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