Chapter 6

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Keith woke up to the sight of Pidge and Hunk beating up Haggar with all their might. Shiro let out a hand to grab the two boys. "Quick, grab on." said Shiro, letting out his left arm. Keith woke Lance up, and then the black paladin hoisted them up from the stomach of the robot.

"Alright, we're all clear here, Shiro!" said Pidge heeling Green; Hunk did the same with his lion. Once Keith, Lance, and Shiro got on board of his lion, they headed straight back towards the castle.


Allura and Coran were in a bundle of nerves as they patiently waited for the paladins to come back. A few moments later, they heard the lions outside. Shiro, Lance, Keith, Pidge, and Hunk came out of the lions as they greeted the two Alteans.

"Is he safe? Is Lance injured?!" Allura asked, a concerned tone being recognizable in her voice. "Uh, I'm hurt too, you know...." mumbled an injured Keith as he limped his way towards the princess. "Hmm, yes, whatever." retorted Allura, only shaking her hand at Keith before turning her direction towards Lance once more.

"Keith..." sighed Shiro. "I'll be in my room... Or my old room anyway....." murmured Keith as he slowly walked away into the castle.

"Allura, maybe you should stop being such a bitch, and acknowledge Keith for once?! I mean, he's still technically human as well! Keith has feelings just like you and me!" Pidge hollered at Allura, her eyes filled with fire. Allura turned to look at Pidge, and gave her the death stare. That sent chills down the green paladin's back big time.

"Pidge, you don't know what the Galra have done to my family- to me. You're not the one who runs an entire castle. You know nothing about me, or my heritage! You're one to talk, little missy! I can care for whomever I want to, and Keith just isn't one of them anymore, understood?" said Allura, a cold stern look on her face. Pidge only grunted and nodded. "Good," replied Allura. "Now, let's bring Lance into the pods."


Keith lay down in the grassy fields near the castle, looking up at the millions of stars in the sky. Soon, he heard footsteps coming towards him. When the other figure lay down with him, he saw that it was Lance.

"Uh, hey Lance.... How's your leg doing?" Keith asked quietly, his gaze returning to the night sky. "It's fine... It just needs to rest for a bit... I should be the one asking you how your body's doing. You kept hitting the wall like a hundred times," chuckled Lance, as he put his hand behind his head. "Nah, I'm alright.... When you're an orphan, you kind of learn how to survive on your own." said the raven haired boy.

"Don't you ever feel...lonely?" asked the blue paladin. "Sometimes, but not now since I have you by my side~" said Keith, wrapping his fingers around Lance's hand. The Cuban male flushed a bright pink and smiled. Keith sat up, and Lance did the same. The blue paladin then sat behind Keith, wrapping his long arms around his boyfriend's waist. He then sat Keith on top of his lap. Keith flushed a bright pink as well as he looked back at Lance.

"The stars look beautiful tonight....don't they?" asked Lance. "Not at beautiful as your ocean blue eyes," sighed Keith as he pulled in for a kiss. Lance sunk into it quickly, but then pulled out. "Keith, have you been cutting again?" Keith replied with, "No, those are my old cuts."  He then pecked Lance on the cheek. "It better be," said Lance as he hugged Keith tightly.


"Get out, get out, get out of my head!!" yelled Keith, eyes wide and face sweating. He walked outside of his room, and walked towards the kitchen. Maybe a glass of water will help? As he walked towards the kitchen, he ran into Allura. "Keith?"

"Allura?" said Keith. "I don't want you near Lance; or any of the paladins ever. You're a worthless peice of shit that deserves to burn in hell. Your people have destroyed and taken something that I loved." said Allura as she clenched her hand into a fist. "So, I'm going to do the same to piece of crap." Her voice husky. "Allura....just because I'm half Galra, doesn't mean I'm to blame....." sighed Keith as his sweat dropped.

"JUST KILL YOURSELF ALREADY!" exclaimed Allura, punching Keith in the jaw. A small amount of blood went flying and dropping to the floor, leaving a shocked Keith standing in front of Allura. "Quiznak you, you and your entire race." whispered the Altean as she left Keith alone in the darkness.


As Keith went back to his room, he pulled out the blade. He lifted up his shirt, and started to cut small tears into his bare skin. "I'm sorry Lance..... I'm really sorry..." The raven haired male felt the blood trickle down his abdomen, then down to his arms, and finally to his fingers. He quickly patched up the small cuts he made with his jacket, and then put the blade away.

Once the bleeding had stopped, Keith went to sleep with dry blood on his arm and hand. I want to die already.... thought Keith to himself, tears running down his cheek. "" Keith whispered aloud.

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