Chapter 8

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When Lance was about to exit his room to whisper to Keith about what was happening around the castle for the first time in a year, he suddenly slipped onto the floor of his dorm. "AH!" exclaimed the Cuban blue paladin, bumping his head onto the floor. He stood up, looked at the folded note, and then opened it. His eyes went wide when he read the first few words.

Dear Lance,

I.....I just can't live anymore..not like this.... I don't want to hurt you, so I'm running away. Don't try and find me, I just want to be left alone to die alone with my sins. If anyone asks where I've gone to, just tell them I was captured and killed by the Galra or something....I don't know. Your call, Lance. But, I truly DID love you, very much so, Lance Charles McClain.... And, if it were an option, I would have loved to marry you sometime in the future, maybe after Zarkon's defeat.... But, now, I just hope you just find a soulmate, and live a happy life with them.... They're a real lucky person.... Well, I guess...this is...goodbye...Lance... It's funny, really....I'm shaking my hands so much as I'm writing this suicide note to you.... Just K I L L... M E.... A L R E A D Y....

Keith Kogane

Lance dropped to the ground on his knees; eyes emotionless and wide, face almost stone cold. "No....he can't.... Keith...." mumbled Lance. Tears starting to draw down onto the teenager's sun kissed cheeks as he ran straight out of the castle, trying to find his boyfriend. I don't want to lose someone else I care about.... No, not again.... Memories of his little brother came flashing back to the blue paladin, making him cry even more.

Lance ran up to a mountain far away from the castle, and he saw Keith at the edge. "Keith..." whispered Lance, slowing his walking cycle. The blue paladin started to run up to the raven haired boy, his hand reaching out to Keith. "KEITH!" Keith turned around to look back at a puffy-cheeked Lance. "Lance, what are you doi-" He got cut off by Lance. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! DON'T KILL YOURSELF, KOGANE! YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR!" exclaimed Lance, breaking down to his knees.

Keith looked concerned at Lance, and then said, "I'm sorry Lance.... I just... I'd rather burn in hell than be judged in heaven for everything I did....." said Keith, giving Lance a hand to stand up. "Besides, I'm the former red paladin....I was meant to be in the flames as the element of fire..." sighed the hybrid, a small weak smile appearing on his face. "" cried Lance as he tugged onto Keith's shirt, tears continuing to fall down his cheeks.

"KEITH, MOVE." a female voice from behind said.....Allura. "PRINCESS, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" Shiro hollered, running up the hill. "There's no other choice... Keith and his ancestors have caused enough damage to this generation... And now Lance has fallen in love with that monster...he's a traitor. He's just as bad as Keith." said Allura, pointing a bow and arrow at Lance. "ALLURA, NO!" the black paladin cried. But it was already too late, the Altean woman had already let go of the arrow. "LANCE, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" exclaimed Keith, pushing Lance out of the way. The arrow has instead hit Keith in the lower abdomen, a gush of blood spilling out of that spot.

"KEITH!" shrieked Lance, rushing to his side. "I'll go get the first aid kit, and see if that'll help," said Shiro, rushing towards the castle. Allura fell to the ground, her face cold and unforgiving.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! Keith, stay with me, stay with me.... Don't die on me, Kogane... You didn't have to save me, I could've just taken the hit...." cried Lance, his hands cupping the hybrid's face. "It's okay Lance.... At least we know I'll be going to heaven...and not to hell...." said Keith as he coughed up some blood. "Keith..." said Lance, his voice shuddering in fear and sadness.

"Lance....come closer..." whispered Keith, his breathing starting to slow down. Lance leaned his body towards Keith's more as he had told him to. "Closer...." Lance leaned in a bit closer. "C-closer..." and he leaned in a few millimeters closer to him. "Let me see your shoulder..." Lance didn't question him, and did as he was told. Keith's eyes went yellow as he bit Lance on the shoulder. Lance bellowed in pain, but held it in. For Keith. The mark Keith had left him was a purplish-black color, and the bite marks went straight to the rest of his veins, spreading throughout the body.

"Now, even if I'm dead, my Galra blood will run through it's like a part of me is still here with you down on Earth. I know we won't be under the same sky anymore, but, you have this now....." said Keith, eyes reverting back to normal. "K-Keith....." whimpered Lance, pulling up his shirt and jacket back up. "Lance, remember that thing I told you when we were captured by Haggar?" asked Keith, eyes weak. "Yeah...." replied the blue paladin. "Do that once I pass away...." said Keith. "When's that?" Lance asked his significant other.

"Now......" sighed Keith, eyes closing slowly as his grip on Lance's hand loosened, and then fell to the ground. "Keith... Keith.... N-no.... KEITH!" exclaimed Lance, tears pouring down his face. Shiro ran back to the hill with bandages in his hand. Lance looked back at Shiro and shook his head in pain and sorrow. The black paladin had wide eyes, the bandages dropping to the ground. "I was too late..."

Lance picked up Keith, and started to walk towards the castle. "Lance, what are you doing?" Shiro asked the blue paladin. "Doing Keith a favor," was all he said to Shiro.


"Lance...could you do me a favor once I die?" Keith asked Lance, head looking at the floor of the machine. "Keith, don't say that...." said Lance. "We both know I'm going to die soon," replied Keith. "But you have all your life for that. You don't know if you're going to die soon." sighed the brown haired male. "Lance, I just want you to bring me to my bed in the castle, and lay me there...."

"Why?" asked Lance, looking up at Keith. "I want you to keep telling me what happens in the castle, even though I'll never reply physically...I'll reply to you from the heavens mentally, in your dreams." sighed Keith, closing his eyes slowly.

Lance let out a soft gasp as he said, "Okay,"


"Here, Keith...." whispered Lance, slowly letting down Keith onto his bed. He then walked out of his room, and then went to bed himself.

For the next year, and every year after that, Lance kept on reporting his daily reports to Keith each night before he went to bed. Each time, Keith would smile from the heavens above, and his depression slowly went away each day. "Thank you, Lance..."

"Your Galra blood is still running to this day, Keith..... I'll wait for you, I'll wait until I die, so we can be reunited once more..." said Lance as he laid down in bed, thinking about....things.....things like Keith.

And......that concludes Galra Blood. I honestly cried while writing a couple of these parts.... I hope you enjoyed this fanfiction, and don't worry, there's more to come~ Well, have a lovely day/night!

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