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Keith woke up to see Lance leaning against the wall. "Uh, Lance? What are you doing?" asked the hybrid as he tugged at his raven locks of bed head. "Waiting for Sleeping Bloody to wake up already," murmured Lance, bangs covering his eyes. "Wha-"

The blue paladin grabbed Keith's wrists, pinning him to his bed. "Don't act all innocent, Kogane. I know what you did last night....or early this morning." spoke Lance sternly, his legs shaky but also sturdy at the same time. Keith stayed quiet. "WHY DID YOU CUT?! YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULDN'T FUCKING CUT EVER AGAIN!" exclaimed Lance, his voice shuddering a bit.

"Lance, I...." said Keith, his eyes wide. "YOU WHAT, KEITH?! WHAT, YOU JUST WANT ALL OF THIS TO END, AND JUST KILL YOURSELF?!" yelled the Cuban boy, his eyes starting to get watery. "No.... Lance....listen to me..." sighed Keith, his hand placed on his significant other's sun kissed cheek. Lance gulped, and gripped his wrists even tighter. "I.....I've been diagnosed with cancer...." coughed Keith, his weak eyes forming a small smile.

UPDATE OCTOBER 2017- (A/n: ATTENTION!!! So, if any of you guys are lost right here, allow me to explain. Please also note that I am NOT expert nor am I a doctor, but... I tired my best. 😣 Okay, so, I've actually done some research on cancer, and how you can get it. It's actually common for people the ages of around 15-24 to get it, and Keith being around (THIS NOTE WAS WRITTEN BEFORE THE HANDBOOK WAS RELEASED) 17-18 years old, {it has NOT been officially announced how old he is sadly, it just says he's in his late teens}, and in this FANFICTION: MEANING NOT REAL OML, he's suffering from depression and stress/anxiety. It's not THAT common to grt cancer from those things, but it can still happen. The chance of it is very low and slim though. So, ever since Keith and Shiro have come back from the Blade of Marmora, Keith was like super happy to know more about his past and family history right? Well, since Allura has had a bad history with the Galra, she feels that all the Galra is bad. And so, as each day passes by, Keith is becoming more depressed about his ex-friend {being Allura} being racist towards him about being half Galra. I know it's like really confusing, and probably doesn't make sense, but I tired my best to look into the subject. Maybe thks explanation helped a bit?? Also, it could be another possibility that Shiro could've detected and was the one who diagnosed Keith with the cancer.... idek.... just continue reading. •-•)

Lance's heart skipped a beat. C-cancer...? Lance thought to himself. "K-Keith...." the chestnut haired male's eyes went wide as he started to hyperventilate, the space around him starting to become smaller. "Keith.... No.... When did this start?" Lance asked the raven haired boy. "A little bit after Shiro and I had gotten back from the Blade of Marmora..." breathed Keith, closing his eyes to cover up the pain in his misty eyes. Keith then started to feel something wet on his cheeks. Was it, water? When he had opened up his eyes to see Lance, tears were flowing down his cheeks non-stop.

"Lance...don't cry..." said Keith, wiping away a couple of tears from his face. "'s been a couple of months..." cried Lance. "I have at least five years...don't worry." said Keith, trying to reassure the crying blue paladin. "It's easier said than done," whispered Lance as he sniffled.


"Keith?" said Lance from the other side of the door. "Are you there?"

No answer, only pure silence.

"Okay, I'll just leave the plate of goo outside your door..... When you're hungry, you know where the food is..." chuckled Lance, his smile returning to a sad expression.

That night, Keith took the plate of goo, and ate it. "Thank you, Lance...." whispered Keith as he slowly ate the goo on his plate.

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