Results ;)

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Okay, so there were 2 entries, but several different ones to choose from?? If that makes any sense... Um, anyway, the 2 people who submitted them were @Ev1l_Noa and @A_Demon_In_A_Teacup and I enjoyed all of their entries! I'll just... leave them under here now...

Since Wattpad doesn't let you click on links and shit, if you were to go to their profiles, check them out, and support them, that'd be awesome!

1) A_Demon_In_A_Teacup

2) Ev1l_Noa

Thank you both for submitting your entires, they were all wonderful, and I enjoyed them all! Also, thank you all you guys for supporting my bullshit logic on all of this weird crap I wrote.... Bye! Love you guys!! <3

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