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Okay guys, since we hit 800, I said that I would have a little special surprise for you people. Well, this is your chance to rewrite the ending to Galra Blood. I know that most of you guys probably disliked the ending because Keith died, and yeah....


1) Must have read the story (duh)

2) Please have it within the original universe (no aus or personal aus would be appreciated) like, for example, just let the characters still be their canon species  and stuff like that. (Sorry for all you Altean! Lance lovers out there :'( )

3) Can be however long/short you wish it to be.

4) Title it "Galra Blood rewrite the ending" please, so I know that it's for this event.

5) Once finished writing with it, please @ me from my conversation board, PM me, or just @ at in the text itself before starting to write it? (Any way is fine with me)

6) Deadline is April 30th.


I'll put the one I like best after this/other 2 I like best will be mentioned (and maybe some honorable mentions ;))

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