Chapter 4

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The cold air rushed through Keith's body, making him shiver. The desert sun started to rise over the horizon, and the sunlight soon hit the Galra-human hybrid's eyes. Keith groaned, turning his body the other direction. He was soon covered in freezing cold water, his bangs covering his eyes. "GAH!! WHO FREAKING DID THAT?!" shrieked Keith, jumping up immediately. When he looked around, he saw none other than the one person he was longing to see.....


"Lance?! What are you doing here, and why did you pour water onto my face?" asked the former red paladin, taking off his jacket. He squeezed the water out of it, and got up. "Look, we don't have much time. You need to run away, now." said Lance, his eyes wide and filled with concern. "What...? Why do I need to-" He was cut off by the blue paladin. "DON'T ASK QUESTIONS, AND JUST RUN. RUN AWAY AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. It's not safe here," said Lance, pushing Keith towards the other direction.

"Lance....your face.... It's all bruised up, and is that blood on your lips?!" asked Keith, his hands observing Lance's cheeks and lips. "That doesn't matter right now, what does matter is that you get out of here before Haggar comes to capture you," explained the Cuban male, pointing straight towards the horizon. "Haggar....? No...."

Lance nodded. "Why is she coming for me?" asked Keith, tilting his head. "She wants Voltron, but she's planning on using you as a hostage...and also wants to learn more about the 'Galra-human hybrid'...which is you..." said Lance, his head facing the ground. "Well, I'm just glad that you're safe, Lance..." sighed the raven haired boy, caressing his cheek. "Just....just go, now." ordered Lance, pointing towards the road up ahead of them.

Keith nodded, and then got on his motorbike. He started the engine, looked at the road, and then back at Lance. "What's the matter? Go already!! It isn't safe here!" ushered Lance, hurrying Keith. "Grab my hand," said Keith, letting his hand out. "What?" asked Lance. "Shut up and trust me..... Grab my hand if you don't want to suffer and die alone," said Keith, reaching out his hand a bit further.

Lance looked at Keith's gloved hand, and then back at his pale face. He hesitantly grabbed the hybrid's hand, and then got on back of the motorbike. His face was pushed against Keith's back for only a moment before he looked up. "Ready to go?" asked Keith. The blue paladin nodded, and Keith set off with Lance.


"Allura......We haven't seen Lance in days..." said Shiro, starting to get worried. "It's been one day, Shiro..." responded the Altean woman. "Well, it feels like days have passed....." sighed the black paladin. Just then, Blue flew into the castle. She roared, making Shiro and Allura rush to the entrance of the castle. "Blue!" said Shiro, his eyes going wide.

He rushed to Blue, and she let him inside. Shiro searched for Lance, but found no one. "Where's Lance?" whispered the black paladin as he walked back onto the ground. Pidge and Hunk cane running into the room as they heard Blue storm in. "Any sign of Lance?" asked Pidge, running up to Shiro. "No....nothing.... It was just Blue..." replied Shiro, shaking his head.

"Damn it...." whispered Pidge, groaning under her breath. "I miss Lance...." said Hunk, shedding a tear. "I miss Keith as well....." said Hunk. "Well, forget about Keith. He's only brought corruption to this team," grunted Allura, crossing her arms.

"What do you have against Keith?! Why should you judge someone on what their race and ancestors were?!" exclaimed Pidge, cross with the princess. "Keith has lost one of the paladins of Voltron, and his race, the Galra have killed my kind; my father." said Allura, her hand placed on her chest.

"Well just because the Galra killed your kind, doesn't mean Keith's bad as well. Also, you lost two paladins of Voltron; Keith and Lance. And soon, possibly three." threatened Pidge, walking away from Allura. Hunk and Shiro kept quiet, slowly walking out of the room. Allura stood there, her face blank as a sheet.


"Keith, where are you taking us?!" exclaimed a terrified Lance, gripping onto Keith's chest tightly. When he did, he felt....some sort of....cut? Are It couldn't be... Keith wouldn't.... Nah~ thought Lance, shaking it off. "Just hold on. I'll take us to someplace safe; someplace which I used to call, 'home'." answered Keith, the wind going through his hair. With that being said, Keith led Lance to his old shed for now.

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