Chapter 3

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"PALADINS!! GET INTO YOUR LIONS!! ZARKON IS ATTACKING THE CASTLE!!" exclaimed Allura, putting her hair up in a bun. "GET UP EVERYONE!!"

Shiro was of course, already in uniform, Pidge was quickly putting her suit on after being awaken so suddenly. Hunk was pulled out of bed by Coran, and the yellow paladin rushed to get ready as well. Lance was trying to take off his face mask quickly so he could defend the universe. (And maybe even flirt with some pretty ladies if there were any~) Keith shot out of bed, eyes droopy and with bed head. But, also like Pidge, dressed quickly so he could get to Red.

"Ready team?" asked Shiro, jumping into the black lion. "Ready," spoke Pidge, getting into Green. "Let's do this," said Hunk, sitting down in his chair as he entered Yellow. "Ready as I'll ever be, Captain." said Lance, a smirk on his face. "My beautiful Blue is as well~"

"Keith?" said Shiro. "You there?" After a few seconds of silence, the red paladin had finally replied. "I was born ready, Shiro. Let's get this show on the road," said Keith as he jumped into Red. "Right, let's defeat Zarkon!"

Team Voltron went out into space, Allura and Coran watching and helping them out from the Castle. "Pidge, Hunk, you come with me on the left. Keith and Lance, you two go on the right. Understood, team?" commanded the black paladin, a stoic look on his face. "YES!" said everyone. They took their positions, and attacked from all sides.


About 20 minutes later, and Keith was fighting alone. "Where's Lance?" asked Keith, looking around his surroundings. Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk were too busy with the incoming Galra attacks, so Keith didn't want to bother them. Red and Keith looked around for Lance and his lion, but never found him. "Where is he?" the raven haired boy asked aloud. "They couldn't have......"


"Where's Voltron located?" Haggar asked the blue paladin. "There's no way in hell that I'll tell you, Haggar." said Lance as he spit a little bit of saliva at his enemy. Haggar then shocked Lance once more, pain driving all throughout his body. "Tell me now, and the pain will stop," explained the Altean witch. "N-never..." coughed Lance, his voice sounding shaky.

"Very well then, you naive human." spoke Haggar, shocking Lance once more. "AHHH!!" shrieked the blue paladin, his body feeling more damaged and drained.


The four lions came back into the castle, and the paladins jumped out of them. "One, two, three, four...... Where's Blue and Lance?" asked Coran, twisting his mustache. "Huh? Yeah, where is Lance?" asked Hunk, looking around for his best friend. "Keith, you were the last one with him. Do you know his location?" Shiro asked the red paladin. Keith looked depressed, his lips forming a sad look on his face. "Keith?"

"They......they took Lance hostage......" whispered Keith, his head looking at the cold, unwelcoming floor. "What did you say?" asked Allura, her eyes going wide with concern. "They took Lance and Blue hostage on Zarkon's ship, alright!" exclaimed Keith, throwing his helmet on the ground. With those words being spoken, everyone's eyes went wide; everyone besides Keith, who was more sad than shocked. "I'm going to my room now...."

"NO YOU'RE NOT, KOGANE." spoke a female voice coming from behind. Keith looked back at the group of people, and his eyes landed on Allura. "You're not going anywhere besides out of this castle, Keith." said Allura, pointing towards the outside world. "Princess...." started Shiro, walking towards Allura with caution. "SHIRO, THIS IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN. STEP BACK BEFORE I HURT YOU." Shiro took a few steps back, eyes wide.

"Keith, LEAVE. NOW." exclaimed Allura, her blue eyes filled with red flames. Keith looked over at the other paladins, and then at Allura. "Yes, princess....." said Keith, walking to his room. "Just give me ten minutes to get my things...." explained the raven haired boy. "Fine... JUST ten minutes...." grumbled Allura as she crossed her arms. "Also, you can kiss your position as the red paladin goodbye. We'll find someone else to pilot Red."

Those words made Keith's heart break, even more. "Okay..... I hope you find a great paladin to fill for me," said Keith as he continued walking. He was trying his best to hold back his tears, really hard. Keith packed only his clothes and blade. Nothing else was valuable to the now former red paladin. When Keith came back from his room, he was immediately pushed out the door by Coran. "Goodbye, Keith...." he then closed the door on Keith.

This has to be a dream.....right? Yeah, once I wake up from this nightmare, I'll just be in my room....right? Everything will be okay, right? I'll see my friends again....right? I'll see Lance again........r-right? Thought Keith inside his mind, tears trickling down his face, making his cheeks all puffy and red. As he walked away from the Castle of Lions, he found his old motorbike lying against the castle walls. He got on top of it, and began riding away. As he rode away, tears were flying from his eyes. Don't worry, I'll find you, Lance. And I'll bring you back.


"Princess, was that really necessary to drop Keith from the team? We won't be able to form Voltron without him." said Shiro, standing up for Keith. "I said we'll find someone else to pilot the red lion, didn't I?" retorted Allura, her back facing Shiro. "Well, yes, bu-" He got cut off by the Altean woman. "Then don't worry about it, Shiro. It's none of your concern, Mr. Shirogane." said Allura, giving Shiro the cold shoulder.

"Okay, princess...." sighed Shiro, beginning to walk the other direction. "Shiro...." sighed Pidge and Hunk, exchanging looks. "Night princess...." said Pidge as she walked to her room for the night. "Good night, Allura.." said Hunk, waving goodbye. Allura just nodded before the yellow and green paladins went into their rooms.


"So, are you going to tell me where Voltron is, or not, blue paladin." exclaimed Haggar, slowly losing her patience. "I told you, I'll never tell you. No matter how long you hold me hostage, I won't tell you freaks a damn thing," explained Lance, turning away from the Altean witch. "So be it," said Haggar, holding a glass ball. "What's that for?" asked Lance. "With this, I can track the red paladin," explained Haggar.

With the snap of her fingers, the crystal ball showed a picture of Keith riding his motorbike. "Looks like the poor boy was booted from the castle...." smirked the white haired woman. "No.....not again...." said Lance, his voice deep, and no louder than a soft whisper. He's already been booted from the Garrison....and now the Castle of Lions? Why...? I don't want to lose you again, Kogane.... Thought Lance to himself.

"Now, what should I do to him? Should I send an army of Galra there wherever he is? Or maybe perhaps send one of my monsters to destroy him?" said Haggar, threatening Lance by using Keith. No....I won't let you hurt him... I care for him too much to let that happen.... He's in a vulnerable state right now.... "F-fine.... I'll tell you where he is..... I know where he's headed..." sighed Lance, tears starting to form in his eyes. "Good,"

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