Chapter 1

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"Keith, could you come to the living room of the castle please? We need to talk to you about something," said Shiro, leaving the red paladin to be with his thoughts.

"Maybe they're going to talk about my position as a defender of the universe..... Goodbye....Red....Shiro....Allura....Coran....Hunk...Pidge......Lance...." Keith said quietly to himself as he breathed in and out slowly. He walked into the living room, only to find his friends and a small sack in Allura's arms. "W-what is this?" the raven haired boy murmured. Shiro looked at the Altean woman, and then back at Keith after letting out a sigh. "You''re out of the team...."

Those words made Keith's heart break. "May I ask, why?" asked Keith, taking a step towards the black paladin. "We all agreed that we shouldn't have a Galra on the team- Even if you're just partly Galra... I'm sorry....goodbye Keith..." explained Shiro, hugging the 16-year old.

"See you, man....." said Hunk, tears forming in his eyes. "Bye Keith..." waved Pidge as she scooted her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "HASTA LA LATER, KEITH! I'LL MISS YOU, MAYBE, PROBABLY NOT, BYE!!" exclaimed Lance, a small smile on his shit-eating face.

Keith hesitantly grabbed the small sack, and left the Castle of Lions. "Goodbye, everyone...." sighed Keith as he jumped onto the floor. As he left the castle and his friends behind, he saw nothing when he turned around. "G-guys?"

"Welcome, Keith." said a deep voice. "Who said that? Come show yourself!" Keith replied back, taking out his blade. "Welcome to the Galra Empire, Keith Kogane." said the voice. When Keith turned around to see who it was, his eyes went wide as he stood in fear. "Z-Zarkon?" shuddered Keith. Zarkon smiled with an evil grimace plastered onto his lips as he nodded. "No, this isn't me.... This isn't who I am..." said Keith, his gaurd dropping a bit. "Keith, quit lying to yourself~ You know you're part of the Galra race. You should be proud of it~ Leave the paladins of Voltron, and join my army~" said Zarkon, reaching his hand out to the former red paladin.

"NO!!" shrieked Keith, his eyes wide and face sweating. When he looked over at the clock, it read, 7:07. (A/n: *insert Lenny face*) "It was only just a dream....." sighed Keith, breathing heavily. He swiped the sweat off of his forehead, and got out of bed. When he did, Lance was standing there with a towel on his head and a face mask on.

"Lance? What's up?" asked the raven haired boy, his tiresome eyes filled with concern. "What's up? WHAT'S UP?! I'LL TELL YOU WHAT'S EFFING UP!!" exclaimed Lance, his arms going up in the air. "Uh...what does 'effing' mean?" asked Keith, his head tilting slightly. "That doesn't matter!! What matters is my beauty sleep, and I ain't gettin' any, because you're ruining it." complained the Cuban male, pointing straight towards Keith's nose.

"I'm sorry, Lance.... I just-" Keith got cut off by Lance handing him a glass of water. "What's this for?" asked the red paladin. "Just drink the damn thing already.... It'll help you cool down your flame," winked Lance, giving Keith the glass of water. "You're one to talk mister," chuckled Keith, taking the glass from him. "Say, does Allura still...."

"Hate you, wants to demolish you, wants you to be kicked out of the castle? Hell yeah she does," said Lance, taking the mask off his face. "Way to be blunt about it...." said Keith, his purplish eyes averting from the blue paladin's blue ones. "Anyway, if you're done making a racket, I'll be on my way to breakfast. Hunk's making space pancakes!!" smiled Lance, waving to Keith.

I wonder....... Does Lance accept me for being half Galra? the red paladin thought to himself, pondering the thought. "Oof," a voice said, as they fell onto the floor. When the Galra-human hybrid turned around, he saw a drowsy looking Pidge on the floor. "Are you okay, Pidge?" Keith asked as he bent down to help his friend. "Yeah.... Just wasn't looking...." Pidge stopped mid-sentence to yawn. "Where I was going...." She finished, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Okay," replied Keith, a bit more relieved.

"Aren't you going to head to breakfast? I heard Hunk's making space pancakes~" chuckled Pidge as she got up off the floor. "Uh, yeah.... I'll be there," Keith said hesitantly, first looking at the blade, and then back at the green paladin. Pidge smiled warmly at Keith, and then walked slowly down to the dining area of the castle. "Maybe I can talk to Coran about it later....." sighed Keith. He then followed Pidge to the dining room.


Tick, tock. Tick, tock. The ticks (Altean for 'seconds') were passing by second after second, and no one was talking. There were a few coughs here and there, but other than that, nothing. Well, that was until Shiro tried to break the awkward silence; especially between Allura and Keith. "So, how is everyone this morning?" No response. Then Hunk suddenly spat out, "Oh! I'm doing great, Shiro! I got up, and made breakfast, and-" Lance gave Hunk that 'he-didn't-really-mean-it-Hunk' look. "Oh...." said Hunk as he slumped down in his seat.

"Well, I think I've had enough food for this morning. Thank you, Hunk, for the delicious breakfast," said Allura as she stood up from her seat at the table. "Now, if you would all excuse me," bowed the Altean woman. "But princess, you've barely even touched your food!" Commented Coran, pointing at Allura's plate. "NOW, IF YOU WOULD PLEASE EXCUSE ME," repeated Allura, but this time, it was more ruder. Coran went wide eyed, and slumped down in his seat; just like Hunk had did. Allura sighed, and then exited the room.

"Do you think she was on her space period or something?" whispered Lance to Shiro who was also wide eyed. "Lance, this isn't the time to joke around," Shiro said sternly, massaging his glabella. "And just because it happens in space, doesn't mean you have to add the word, 'space' in front of it."

"May I be excused too, Shiro?" asked Keith, getting up from his seat. Shiro nodded, and then the red paladin walked into his room. "Gee, what's up with everyone this morning?" Lance asked in a curious tone. "First he screams in the morning, and now this? Is this just a thing that orphans do or something?" said the blue paladin, taking a big chunk out of his pancake.

"LANCE!" Pidge and Shiro exclaimed, both ticked off by his 'humor'. "What~" asked a dumbfounded Lance, his mouth stuffed with his breakfast. Coran and Hunk were both too shook to even engage into the conversation.

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