Chapter 2

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"Allura!" Keith said as he ran towards the tall woman. He gripped onto her left arm, but she quickly grabbed it back. "I do not want to be associated with someone such as you, Keith. I'm sorry, but I cannot trust the Galra; good or bad. Now, if you would excuse me, I have serveral duties to take care of throughout the castle." said Allura, letting go of the red paladin's grasp. She then left him in the hallway alone.

"Tch, whatever.... I never wanted to be friends with you anyway....." whispered Keith under his breath. "Who would care about a Galra like me, anyway?" Keith then walked away and into his room. After a good half hour or so, there was a knock at his door. The pale boy got up, and answered it. "Lance?"

"Hey, want to train?" asked the Cuban boy, his arm resting on the wall; hand on his hip. "Sure.....that sounds....relaxing..." sighed Keith as he grabbed the blade. Lance went to his room, doing the same as Keith. Am I making a mistake using the blade? he asked himself as he and Lance walked to the training deck.


When they made it to their location, Keith took off his jacket; revealing his bare arms. Lance flushed a tint of pink, but scoffed it off quickly. The blue paladin then quickly shot a jolt of blue light from his gun. Keith dodged it; jumping to his left. The red paladin swiped the Blade of Marmora at his friend, almost tearing up a piece of his jacket. Lance had eventually pinned Keith to the floor of the training deck; their weapons and faces only inches apart from ripping each other into pieces.

"That's one for Lance, and zero for Keith~" smirked the blue paladin. Without thinking about any consequences, Keith quickly pulled Lance in for a peck on the lips. Lance's eyes went wide, his cheeks a bright red. "One for Lance, and one for Keith~" said the red paladin, breaking up the small kiss. Lance stood up, his eyes still wide. "Lance....?" squeaked Keith, waving his hand in front of him. Oh no, what did I do? Did I break Lance?! Keith asked to himself, his forehead sweaty. "I.....I need to go now...." And just like that, Keith left the training deck with only his jacket and blade in his hands.

Tears began forming in the raven haired boy's eyes, his vision becoming blurry. What have I done.... I'm a failure.... How could I just bluntly kiss Lance, all just for a little joke?! I feel so pointless.... Was I a mistake? Did my parents abandon me because they didn't love me? More thoughts such as those clouded up Keith's mind, making tears fall on his cheeks. The red paladin quickly entered his room, and locked the door from the inside. He just wanted to die already.... Allura didn't respect him anymore, Lance is probably reconsidering his choices in life by now, and he hasn't affected anyone else....yet....

"Keith, dinners ready." Shiro said, knocking on Keith's door. Keith only let out a small, "Okay," before coming out of his room, heading to the dining room. Keith followed behind Shiro, his head down and facing the floor.


At the dinner table, just like breakfast that morning, everything was silent. Keith played with his food for a good five minutes before saying, "I'm not hungry..... Night, guys..." Allura gave out a small, "Hmph," as the red paladin exited the room. Lance opened his mouth and was about to talk when Allura answered his question. "No, Lance. I'm not on my 'Space Period'. Shut your quiznak, and just eat the damn food." snapped the Altean woman. Lance went wide eyed once again, and kept quiet for the rest of the dinner.

"Princess, don't you think you're being a bit too hard on Keith? Just because he's part Galra, doesn't mean he's all bad." Shiro said, looking up from his food to look at Allura. "I'd advise you to shut your quiznak as well, Mr. Shirogane." said Allura, her blue eyes piercing into the black paladin's soul. ". . . .I understand, princess.... I'll keep quiet, as you wish." responded the 25-year old, returning to his dinner.

"Well, I'm full....." squeaked Hunk, excusing himself from the table. Lance nodded, following Hunk. Pidge looked around and then said, "Gee! Look at the time, I better get to bed if I want to focus well tomorrow....for whatever we've got planned...." She then dashed out of the room. Coran left Shiro and Allura alone; following the others into the next room. Shiro said, "Thank you for the meal princess... Now, I must return to my room for the night... Have a nice rest, Allura..." He then went to his room.

Allura sighed as she dropped her spoon onto the table. She exited the room, and went into her own room.


Later that night, Lance went into the kitchen to look through the fridge. "Now, where's Keith's plate?" He found it after a few moments, and then left the kitchen. He left the plate of space goo and a note by Keith's door after knocking on it. The blue paladin then left for his room, tired as all hell.

When Keith answered the door, he saw no one. "Who's there?" He looked to his left and right, no one. When he looked down, his eyes met with the plate of space goo.....and a note. "Eat up Keith. You'll need the energy." But there was no signature. The raven haired male smiled at the note, and then returned to his bed. He then demolished the plate, hungry as a beast. "Thanks mystery person..... I really needed something in my stomach...." sighed Keith, looking over at the small yellow note once more.

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