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Mon, a bisexual human being, who have committed suicide, was waiting in a room for someone named Maxi.
The room was fancy, burgundy wallpaper, a great chair of grey neatly behind the desk, and shelves of books with strange numeric language decorated the room.

Nervous and anxious, Mon does not know what to do as he waited for this person.
Could Maxi be a female? Or Male?
Will he have a scary or weird looking just like the one he met before?
Where is he anyways?
How did he get here?

He kept on questioning himself with crazy possibilities. He have died, that's for sure, but how did he end up on this bizarre location?

All he remembers is that he was in a dark room, met a square headed woman with a hoodie, told to go to this office-like room, and there he is right now. Sitting uncomfortably on a grey seat with a looming white door behind him. Anytime soon, that door will open itself and revealed the person called Maxi.
So he waited.
And waited.
And waited.

Beads of sweat run down his pale face as he imagined horrifying possibilities and more. He couldn't escape his thoughts as there were nothing for him to distract himself to. He just couldn't help it.

Then there was a whisper, a murmur of strange words coming from behind the door. Mon turned as he tried his best to calm down. Suspense rise in the room as everyone reading this would want to know who exactly this Maxi dude is unless they read the following chapter.

An opening sound of the door was heard, a man in black formal shirt with a red tie entered. His skinny grey pants walked across the room to his desk.
He has a head, but no neck.
Extended hands and no arm seen.
His face was like a rectangle based one, with dark blue eyes and sharp nose. He bore those personality traits of an responsible ignorant person but his eyes tell differently.

"Well hello there mortal." He said.

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