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"Don't wish whatever he will suggest you to wish..."

Mon turned to the direction of the source of sound, fully alarmed that it could be a ghost or anything else. But his reflects are slow and he couldn't see who it was on time. He suspected Daniel was playing with him.

Daniel was Mon's very best friend. He had been playing with him since kindergarten. He has mild orange hair neatly combed to the side, clear green irises, and a handsome irish-british accent. Basically he is an Irish best friend.
Red flannel over a black T-shirt, jeans with ripped parts on the knees. He sat next to Mon calmly. Having an unexplainable random conversation with Mon's​ father.

He couldn't figure out who it was, considering the fact that Daniel didn't know who that Maxi guy. He ignored those deep doubts and continued eavesdropping the conversation that now was about Daniel's education.

"So how's Burmingham?" Cifer asked.

"It's alright, struggling through midterms and remembering the lines of the Bible for the test." He hesitated. "I do wish I could remember them all in an instant."

Mon entered the conversation, because he'd heard something that interested him.
"Why would you study those Bible lines for? I mean, you're not going to preach people right?"

Everything became silent except for the sound of engines purring smoothly as the car speeded 180 kilometers per hour.

Daniel hesitated. He slumped on the car seat and continued his explanation.
"I am an exorcist. And I go to a specific school for my kind. Burmingham boarding school for exorcists."

Mon just stayed silent as his best friend continues. He always like to go blabbering some lame facts that seemed cool to himself, like; all reptiles are cold blooded. Everyone knows that in his school but he just noticed it like last year.

Then with a sudden thought that came to Mon's mind, he persuaded himself to ask, while at the same time, interrupting.

"Have you ever exorcised a demon back to where it belongs yet?"

"Well, we all are trained to do so. But I'm the only one that can't....." He paused, sad expression on his face. Mon tried to comfort him by patting his back but Daniel prevailed to do so by raising his voice louder than it should.

"Just kidding!! Of course I have! What makes you think your best friend incapable to exorcise a demon back to it's origins? We all have been trained to do so!"

Everyone laughed in the car afterwards, even though it wasn't funny at all. But the face that Mon made when he got frustrated or fooled always cheer up everyone's day.

Just then, Mon's father abruptly stopped the car as he was that kind of driver. He parked the car in front of the small lawn of a medieval medium sized house.
The house was not too small and yet not too big. It has pale blue external wall with five windows, an antique oak door entrance, grey roof tiles, a great aged rock pathway connecting from the terrace to the fence, and Bonsai trees found on the corner of the lawn with a RIP sign planted on it. The Bonsai trees belong to Mon and it seems that the father was drunk enough to just ridiculously put it there as if it's his son's grave.

Apparently, Daniel lived in their neighborhood and his mother's house is the opposite of the Morningstar's shelter. All he had to do is just cross the road and hope he will not be run over by a monster truck or a Hobo's supermarket cart race car. [Yes, they do have that.]

"Thanks for the ride Mr. Morningstar, see you tomorrow." He said to Mon's father before he faced Mon.
"Good night and see you tomorrow Mon." He winked and headed towards his home. Walking quickly as he can before he was crashed by a Hobo supermarket race cart.

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