First Wish

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Maxi grinned from ear to ear.

He was excited to get a new client, or soul you might say. As each client has finished all his ten wishes, he will die and devour the soul like a food. But as a demon that has the speciality on granting wishes like a genie, he could have an advantage and disadvantage.

He could break free from the contract depending on how much the blood was contributed, this depends on the will of the demon and the quantity of the blood.
The other advantage was to also be able grant one wish for yourself once.

The disadvantage on the other hand is,

Mon turned his head, facing Maxi as he thought for his first wish. "Let me think about it sir."
"Okay, first wish on the go in 10 minutes alright? Alright." He said quickly.
Mon couldn't do anything, he hesitated but found it was pointless with the limited time. So he thought wisely, a wish to solve all his problems once he awake. But what problem?
Well, Mon is a pansexual type of person and he liked his best friend, Daniel. Daniel doesn't mind if Mon liked him unless if he want to fuck him. Hell no.
One day, his father knew about this status. He restricted Mon's activities with Daniel as his father doesn't support LGBT. Right. He wants his father to understand him and just let him be. Right, that is his wish.

"Can I wish to change people's personality?" Mon asked in a very small voice.
Max, who was still chilling out on his chair with both legs up on the table, heard this. He nodded and answered.
"Yeah you can. But turning one's personality upside down is kinda not allowed in the terms and conditions."

Standing up, Mon Morningstar walked to Max, both hands on the table he stated.
"I wish everyone is okay with me being gay or pansexual or anything else. Including my father."

"Your father?" Surprised, Max continued. "Well if isn't this going interesting? But a wish has been asked!"

Max snapped his fingers and everything started to be dark and dizzying for Mon. His feet became unstable and wobbly, perhaps he was going to faint.

Maxi quickly stood up, he caught Mon before he crashed to the floor. Securing the body that once sported the soul of Mon, he stared at the features of the boy, and shook his head not to think of it.

Don't build relationships Max, remember the cost.
He thought.

MaxinianOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant