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Mon woke up in the morning like usual. The morning ray of light shone across the bedroom through the square window, with storm of dusts dancing on the rays and the air cold and dry.
He woke up to a room he had known since little, his own bedroom. Walls of greyish teal and dark brown carpet covered the room except for the rough white ceiling. Books and novels of all kinds we're neatly (and messy at the same time) arranged in the wooden shelf Mon had, sitting in the far edge next to the TV with a box of video game consoles and their respective video games.

He sat up on his bed and looked around the bedroom for the last time before he'll prepare his clothes. He thought about last night​. Meeting a demon, revived from the dead, and instructed by a polygon-headed woman. He shook his head.
"It's a dream"

Mon quickly went down in his plain burgundy t-shirt with an unbuttoned red flannel over it, skinny jeans matching with his light grey hair colour and pale skin.

"Up already?" His father lowered down the newspaper he had been reading, having a morning tea.
Cifer Morningstar was wearing a white formal shirt, dark blue striped tie, a grey vest over it, and grey pants to match along with the vest and all.

"Checking something outside." Mon answered as he passed the dining room to the entrance.

"Well get your ass over here first and have breakfast before I see another bloody corpse lying on the door!!"
Cifer shouted. His voice was deep and loud, everyone would be scared when those kind if voice were used. As if it was like one being very infuriated.

Reluctantly, the child walked back to the dining room. He took a seat far from his father and had his morning tea too. With the calming rays of sieved sunshine lying on the floor. The room was not alone consisting Mon and his father. This time their housemaid awaits before the kitchen door.

After eating toasted breads with Darjeeling tea, he stood up and left the table. His father did nothing, still reading the newspapers.
Now Mon was alone outside. The skies are skyblue with clouds dancing around. The roads were covered in thick mist; it was particularly difficult for Mon to see what was beyond the grey fog.

"Good morning Mon. Had your morning tea?"

A similar voice was heard behind Mon. His hair stood on its end, and goosebumps revealed themselves.
He turned around to find out who he is. And wasa little relieved it wasn't any frightening stranger that could immitate voice's or anything else.

"Uhm.. we-well. Good Mo-mor-morning t-to you too."
The Morningstar stuttered. He was scared and nervous, he thought everything that happened yesterday was just a dream. Maxi wasn't real. He didn't commit suicide. He didn't talk to the polygon headed woman. It being in the underworld.

The demon leaned forward.
"No school? Or just skipping school?"

Mon pulled himself together and answered the demon's question.
"Its the midterm break."

Maxi was wearing black polo shirt with light brown chinos. His skin was pale white like a corpse, dark blue eyes matching with his dark brown hair. He wore a different shoe today, a blue Nike running shoes with it's iconic white tick on each of its side.

"No plans for today?" He stood back up. Hands fidgeting on the bottom of the polo shirt.

"No. Why? If i ma-"
Before Mon could finish his sentence, Maxi cut in, and left Mon silent as the demon is in power now.

"That's it then." He said, stood strong and firm. "We are visiting my brother."

"Are you even done yet?!" Max shouted in a whisper voice. Complaining as he rest in Mon's bed.

"What takes you so long?"

"Preparation. Now let's go." Mon whispered. He brought a big hiking bag behind him, filled with useless things such as a lucky item, a small foldable chairs and many more. Max took a second to glimpse at the side, frowning as he did not expect a bag of junks prepared.

"We... Are not. Visiting the person which could end both of our lives."

"It's okay to prepare at least right?" Mon made a fake smile, as he was actually scared and anxious what meeting has brother like.
Maybe he lived in a dark gloomy castle in the middle of the woods. Or maybe he lived in the urban city, searching for victims to devour its soul for meals. Maybe...

"Just take what you usually need to a friend's house." Max advised, and quickly rest his head on the bed again.
"I like your bed."

Mon flustered. His nervousness level rised up and his confident level drastically decreased. His crush likes his own bed. Does this mean he had feelings for Mon? Or maybe he just like how comfy it is.

Max spreader his arms on the bed, he enjoyed the feeling of comfiness and secure. And the smell of clothing perfume and... How will he describe this. Human smell?
"I like how this bed is springy. I've never slept on one of these before."

"It's what you call a spring bed." Mon turned around. A small smile was drawn on his face. This was the first time he saw Max very immature, impatient and with that silly impression on his face.
He thought Max realised he was looking at him like this and quickly back to his job.

"Ya ya. Are you done yet?" Max pouted, waiting seems like forever. It seems longer than his lifetime and it would never ever end until Mon figured it out himself.

Mon turned around and revealed no big bags on his shoulders or a small sling bag. He only brought his wallet, phone and glasses with him. Three essential things.

Max was relieved he wasn't going to bring an obvious wet towel around his family. He stood up, tidied his hair

And dusted his polo shirt.
"Let's go."

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