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Okay, so I hope this book goes as well as I want it too... Well... here's to hoping right? Love you peeps.

"A long time ago, all creatures lived together in peace and harmony, and they-," A woman with dark brown hair and eyes began as she covered her daughter up. "That can't really be true. Can it, mommy?" Her little dark haired daughter asked with big brown eyes. "Of course, baby girl. We faeries are supposed to be harmonious. We're made by the gods to protect the forest, but also to bring love into the world," "Why have things change?"

"That's because of the Venatores," She explained. "They're hunters that change shape. They live in the forest as well, but they're far, very far to the south. They wanted power, and desired nothing less. Uldran the Terrible wanted to rule the creatures, but Hilda, The queen of the faeries, wouldn't let him. He desired the throne so badly that he killed our queen for it. Thus began the war between the Faeries and the wolves," "Why didn't she let him?" "Well, he's Uldran the Terrible, he didn't get that title by handing out flowers to children," Her mother replied.

"What did he do for the title?" "He practiced the forbidden magic, and many people knew about it, but he being the leader of the wolves, there was nothing that anyone can do about it. His actions tore our forest apart, and now she can never be the same again. At least, not until the prophecy is complete. A hero will come to save the day," "What Prophecy?" The girl asked.

"Honey, you're too young for that. Time for bed," The woman said kissing the child on her forehead. "But I want to know," The girl said. "Maybe when you're older. Okay?" "Okay," Her daughter pouted. She closed her eyes as her mother left her room. Sleep soon took over.

Suddenly, there was a loud screaming coming from outside, and the little girls parents ran into her room. "Sweetie, wake up," Her father said as he slightly shook her. "Daddy, what's wrong?" She said sleepily. "Come on baby girl, you've gotta wake up," He said shaking her. "Just pick her up. We'll carry her," Her mother rushed. "Okay," He replied picking up their 8 year old and adjusted her on his hip. He began to walk out the bedroom door. "Daddy. Poppy." She replied reaching for the bed where a stuffed animal was laying.

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart, we don't have time," He frowned as he continued to walk further away. "But daddy! I want Poppy!" She cried. "We'll get you another one," Her mother replied as they ran out the door.

Men, women, and children were running across the clearing and in and out of huts as large beasts chased and attacked them. The little girl continued to cry as her parents ran away from the village. "Daddy!" The little girl yelled pointing behind them. A large black wolf lunged at her father knocking the two onto the ground.

The girl cried from the new injuries. The girl's father fought the large wolf. Her mother ran over to her aid, "Baby girl, are you okay?" "Uh huh," She hummed as she cried. "Good," She said helping the little girl to her feet. She faced her daughter away from the fight, "Run. Now." "But what about you mommy?" 

"I'm no worried about me. You need to run, as fast as you possibly can and don't look back. Do you understand me?" "Yes mommy," She said walking. There was a deep menacing growl as two more wolves approached the scene.  "Go! Now!" She said, and the little girl ran, hearing her mother's screams behind her. She listened to her mother's words as she ran and ran without looking back.

One of the wolves had chased her, forcing the 8 year old to run faster and faster. She ran until a hidden tree branch tripped her over. She fell to the ground holding her ankle. The wolf skidded to a stop right in front of her. It slowly stepped towards her until his face was just inches from hers.

Her heavy breaths shuddered, showing that fear was settling in. Tears rolled down her cheeks as the fear ran down her spine. The wolf's breath pushing her long brown hair off her face with each puff from his panting. He let out a snarl, but cut it off as she started crying. More tears rushing down her face.

His head lowered, then he turned around and ran off in the direction that he came from. She scrambled to her feet and ran deeper into the forest sobbing as she ran.


Well I know it was shit, but I'm still hoping that you enjoyed it. Thank you!

Love ya peeps!

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