Chapter 5

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I snap awake gasping for air. The screams still echoed through my head. I looked around at mine and Josh's campsite. The sun was rising slightly as it was dawn.

The second dawn after he and I left the cabin to go to the old faerie palace. I had so many questions as to why Josh was there. And I was going to ask him.

"Bad dream?" I hear him ask walking up to the camp with water from the stream we had camped a few yards away. "I really don't know," I sighed, "The closer we get, the more I see, but it's only like a little bit more each time. A moment more."

"Without problems, we will be there today," He said. Dumping the water onto the fire. I stood to my feet and helped him pack up the camp, then we were headed out.

After a few hours of walking, I sighed. "Josh, you said you were there that night. Do you mind?" I asked. "Not at all. I was there, but those dark faeries you saw were long gone by the time I got there, and Uldran was standing over two bodies," He said. "Queen Hilda and whoever I was in my past life?" I asked.

"I only truly recognized Queen Hilda. But you looked a lot like the other woman that died. Some wolves, like myself, can see a reincarnation. Tyler can too, but he wasn't there that night," He explained.

"So these dreams- visions- are actually memories?" I asked. "I assume so," He said. "What do you know of what happened?" I asked. "What do you know?" He turned the question on me.

"I'm the wrong person you should be asking that," I sighed. "Look all I know is, it did look suspicious that he was just standing there. See my secret is... I used to work for Uldran," He said cautiously.

I stopped dead in my tracks. "You worked for him?" I asked shocked. I didn't know what to think, but I did know something. I wasn't angry. At all.

"Before all of this, Uldran was good. He was a good man, and a good leader. I never said anything to anyone because they'd think that I'd turn on them for his sake. Tyler doesn't even know." "He deserves to." "He wouldn't understand. Uldran never wanted power, but when he didn't get the justice he deserved..."

"He had to retaliate," "Exactly. I always thought that by justice, he meant when he was blamed for Queen Hilda's death. I fear there any be more to it," He frowned.

"Like what?" I asked. "I don't know. That's what we're about to find out... We're here," He said moving a curtain of Willow tree branches. It revealed a huge castle. One that the trees hid unless you were over the canopy.

"Wow!" I gasped in awe, "My family used to tell me that we all had a kingdom and not just villages. That the war caused such destruction and we all had to separate in clans, but... This is absolutely beautiful!"

"Let's go. We don't have long. There's no doubt something will be after us," He said rushing us up to the huge front doors of the old castle. It was rundown and destroyed. Cause of the destruction... Take a guess. The walls outside we're still scorched after a hundred years.

We walked inside and we're greeted with a huge great Hall and staircase. To see it in it's rightful glory would be a true sight.

As soon as Josh shut the door, I was hit with a massive migraine as images flashed through my head. The it was as though I were back in that world all the way.

"Evie!" Josh yelled worried. It was weird that I was still standing, but I felt myself falling.

Josh's worried calls transformed into a woman's more calmer call for a different name. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to face a blonde woman. Queen Hilda. She was much taller than I remembered from my nightmares.

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