Chapter 6

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The forest was quite as Josh and I walked back to the cabin. We had about an hour's more walk to go, and I sighed. "Can you show me?" I asked Josh.

"Show you what?" He looked at me confused. "Well, if I'm half wolf... Can't I turn too?" "Yeah actually, I guess I was too into making sure you let the news soak in that I didn't think about teaching you how to change form," He chuckled a bit.

"So you can?" I asked. "Yeah. Although some faeries like you can't turn. So there's a possibility that you can't, but you have similar perks. Running fast for example," He explained, "But that perk comes no matter what."

"Okay, so what do I do?" I asked. "Think about what you really want to happen in this moment. Think about what it feels like to be a wolf," He instructed. I gave it that thought, and did as he said.

I felt myself changing. Something I've never felt before. Solid black fur began to form on my arms as they began to turn into paws as the fur continued to grow.

I looked up at him after the change, and he chuckled. I was happy that it worked. "Interesting... I didn't expect you're fur to be completely black like that. I expected something a bit more... Orange-y," He smiled.

I was actually happy. I let out a happy bark and panted a bit out of excitement. "Can you run back?" He asked. I made a confused noise. I thought about my normal form. Two feet. Taller. I could feel myself turning back as I did so.

I looked at him from my original body. "Good. Fast learner," He chuckled, "We're in a familiar part of the forest, yeah?" "Yeah," "Wanna race back to the cabin?"

"Yes!" I said running and jumping a bit. I used the air time to turn into my wolf form and ran. He was right on my tail... No pun intended. I fought the urge to howl... No need to attract attention.

Josh and I were neck and neck until we got close to the cabin, then I managed to gain speed on him and pass him reaching the clearing first. He reached it moments later.

He turned into his human form and opened the door. I pranced happily, from my win, through the door. Turning back into my human form as I crossed through the threshold to the house.

"You're back!" Gen smiled running over and hugging me. Then she hugged Josh tightly and kissed him. "Where's Tyler? And my parents?" I asked.

"They're all still sleeping," She replied. "Thanks," I walked down the short hallway to mine and Tyler's room. He was out cold in the bed. As though he were up all night and finally getting some rest. I sighed realizing that were the case.

He looked so adorable asleep. His lips parted slightly, as his face rested against the pillow. He mumbled in his sleep, and I couldn't help but press a small kiss to his cheek.

He mumbled again and adjusted a bit, then pulled the blanket tighter and a small smile formed on his lips. I smiled a bit myself then left the room again. "Out?" Josh asked, and I nodded.

"I couldn't bring myself to wake him," I said sitting on the couch. Charles and Astrid had woken up and walked out. "Hey!" Mom ran over and hugged me. I hugged her back, then she sat down next to me on the couch.

"Find what you're looking for?" Dad asked. "Yeah, I- I did," I answered with a frown. "So?" Mom asked. "I know who my real parents are," I sighed. Mom and Gen gasped, and dad just frowned. "How did- how does that have anything to do with you being adopted?" He asked.

"Because Queen Hilda and Uldran are my real parents," I frowned, "And Queen Hilda is still alive. She's at the Willow tree healing." "Oh my, so that means-," "Uldran is innocent. He's been with her all this time."

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