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Mother and Father stepped down from the throne after about ten years. Leaving me to take the throne, and Josh the regency. Tyler and I got married on a beautiful winter evening just 3 years later, giving me time to settle in on the throne and take matters of the kingdoms into my own hands.

Josh and Imogen married only a few years after Vivian's death. It caused quite the commotion considering her family did not want the marriage. For us, the commotion was that it was done in secret.

Of course Josh's side of the family were happy for them, but her side of the family practically disowned her for marrying a wolf... In which they called him a venator.

It upset me a lot that they would act such a way to their daughter and the regent. So mother banished them, at Gen's request, until they can learn to accept the marriage for what it truly is... Love.

Mine and Tyler's wedding was probably made one of the biggest events of the century... Thanks to mother and Gen. They had me in a giant beautiful white dress and Tyler looked handsome.

The only downside to the whole wedding was that his family wasn't there. His late mother being the only family he had outside me and my family.

The kingdom was in somewhat of an uproar at our marriage. However, there were some that looked at our wedding as a sign of peace. A wolf and faerie ruling the land. It was exactly what I'd hoped it would do. Luckily, those who saw it that way outweighed those who didn't.


After all the commotion died down, Tyler and I enjoyed the peace... And in that peace we had 3 beautiful little girls: Elizabeth, Ivy, and Astra; and one handsome son: Charlie.

Josh and Imgoen had two children of their very own as well. Luke... and Maryanne, named after his mother.

All six kids loved running about the palace and causing trouble in their wake. They were hyperactive like their fathers. Josh and Tyler still love roughhousing about when they have the time.


We we're all in the ballroom. Just the family, and watching as all the kids were learning how to turn the first time. Astra was the youngest, and the most scared.

"Mummy? What if it goes wrong?" She asked. "It won't, sweetie," I assured. "But uncle Joshie said that it's possible to get stuck half way," She frowned. "He did not," I looked over at Josh and glared at him.

"What?" Josh asked unsure of what she'd said. "Did you seriously tell your 5-year-old niece that you could get stuck half way through turning?" I frowned. He gave me a look that said yes, but liked and said, "No."

I sighed and looked back at Astra. "Don't listen to your uncle Josh, he's full of rubbish from head to toe and back," I chuckled and she giggled, "You have nothing to be afraid of, darling girl. Daddy won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

"Astra, it's your turn!" Tyler called for her. She nervously stood up and walked over to him.

Tyler spent all afternoon trying to help Astra turn, but she was so nervous that he eventually told her to rest and promised a private lesson later tonight.

As the children napped, he and I walked the gardens hand in hand. "I cannot believe Josh said that to her," Tyler chuckled. "He was just fooling around, but now she's afraid to learn," I frowned. "What did you say?" He asked me.

"That he was full of rubbish. Tyler, there are times when my brother brings me great pain. He's gotta stop scaring the children. It took us 2 years to get Charlie to sleep in his own bed after Josh told him a scary story. And he still won't go into his closet alone," I frowned. 

Tyler just chuckled and shook his head, "He lives to make us miserable, doesn't he?" "Yes! I'm glad you're finally seeing this," I said exasperated. "What do you want me to do?" He asked curious as to how I wanted it handled. 

I sighed and leaned against the short gazebo walls in the center of the pond in our garden, "I don't know. He's my brother, I love him. I just think he needs to stop telling our children scary stories." "I wish there was something we could do to take those fears from them," He frowned leaning against it next to me.

"You know, when I was little I used to be afraid of the forest," I confessed. "When you were little there was a war going on. Of course it's reasonable for you to be afraid of the forest," He replied. "I overcame those fears when those wolves attacked my clan. I had to run into the woods for safety," I continued. 

"You're saying that making them face their fears, will help them overcome it?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrows, "Astrid is easy. Once she turns for the first time, she'll be fine. But I'm not sure what you expect me to do about Charlie." "I'm not sure either," I sighed. 

"It's difficult to think of anything besides locking him in the closet for a few minutes," He chuckled. "You are not locking my son in the closet," "It's adorable how he's your son when someone or something threatens him," He smiled looking at me. 

I looked at him with a smiled, "Of course he's my son." "But when he's in trouble, he's mine," He laughed. "Of course, because you're the one who taught him to be a little trouble maker," I laughed with him. 

We were quiet for a moment, and I frowned. "If Charlie can't face his fear of closets, how is he's going to rule?" "Avia, he's ten," Tyler frowned, adjusting to where just his elbow was leaning on the railing, and he faced me, "He's just a little boy. Children are always scared." 

"I know, I know," I frowned. "Hey," He rested his free hand on my lower back, "Don't worry. He'll be fine. They'll all be fine." "I'm being ridiculous," I shook my head looking down. "No you're not," He assured, "You're being a mother." 

"Thank you," I smiled as he leaned in and kissed me. "You're being a great mother, and a wonderful queen," He assured as he pulled away. "I sure hope so," I chuckled resting my forehead on his chest. "You are," He chuckled.

"Hopefully we'll get more time together in the future then we're getting now," I frowned. "We will. Soon all the kids will be grown up, and Charlie will take the throne. Then you and I will go off somewhere to spend eternity in a very deserving peace," He chuckled holding me close to him. 

"Forever?" I asked looking up at him. "Forever," He smiled pressing a kiss to my cheek, "No wars, no debates, no court, no uncomfortable dresses and armor, no snotty nobles, no darkness... Just you and me for the rest of our lives..." 


There it is guys. Love you so much! 

I really hope you enjoyed the book. I know I enjoyed writing it. Don't forget to check out the other books on my acct. Or my besties: bandhoez9194 ! 

Thank you so much for reading! love you peeps!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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