Chapter 2

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So here's chapter 2... I hope you enjoy it...

Gen's POV

"I'm in," I heard behind me. I turned around to see Josh standing in the doorway to the room Tyler's in. "Josh you do realize what we're talking about. Don't you?" "Killing Uldran. Our king," He answered, "We all know that he's the reason for this. That if he hadn't cursed our people, Tyler would've never gotten hurt, and nearly killed. Many of your kind wouldn't've died. I want to see that bastard pay for what happened to Tyler. He's the only one I can blame with good conscience," He explained.

"Then it's settled," I said leaning back, "When Tyler gets better, we go for Uldran." "We'll need supplies first. There's an abandoned village not far from here," Josh said. "Not a bad idea. I know how to make more of that ointment, but I need the supplies to do so," Evie said standing up. "Gen and I could go, while you stay here with Tyler." Josh suggested. "Okay," Evie said understanding that she was the only one who could help him at this time. "Just hurry, I do only have so much ointment left." "Got it," He nodded.

"Gen, you should know what healing supplies I need, correct?" Evie asked me. "I just planned on grabbing everything I could from the Healer's hut," I answered. "Okay, but you need to be careful with them. Some things can't and won't have a good reaction if placed next to each other," She warned. "Alright," I said getting up. She walked into Tyler's room and walked back out with her pack. "Here, the healer at your clan gave me this secretly. It's labeled for every herb, ointment, and other medical supplies you may find. Most likely, the healer would've labeled them." "Thank you," I smiled taking the bag. "I know you may not have time, so if you don't... the pack will neutralize any affect the medicine and herbs will have until they're removed from the back to use,"

"Thank you, that will be helpful," I said getting everything together. "Be careful, Gennie," She frowned hugging me. "I will," I said hugging her back. Josh walked up to her, "Thank you for everything, Evie. I'll take care of Gen, so long as you keep taking care of Tyler." "I will," She smiled, "I told you he wasn't going to die." "So far you haven't lied," He chuckled.

"May the gods bless you with their luck," She said bowing lightly. Josh bowed lightly as well, "And you." "Love you, Evie," I said bowing lightly too. "Let's go before we run out of daylight," Josh said walking out the door. I followed him closing the door behind me.

We walked through the bushes and branches from tall and short trees. I looked at him as he thought about which direction to go in. "So this abandoned village?" I asked trying to start up a conversation, "It was a faerie village?" "Yeah. It was attacked a long time ago, and those who survived fled somewhere else." "That doesn't mean they haven't returned, and how do you know where it is?" I continued to question him.

He sighed, "I was one of the wolves that attacked them." I gasped lightly, and he turned and quickly spoke, "I swear, Gen. I swear on my life that I didn't kill any of the faeries there. Tyler and I didn't even want to be there. We just scared them and let them run," He said with a frown. "You let faeries go? Do you think that maybe this could've been the same village that Evie's clan came from?" I asked. "Could be," He said as we walked further along. It was another hour of silence before he stopped me at the edge of a clearing.

"We're here," He said looking around the clearing first. I walked behind him as he entered the place. There were huts in rows, almost like my village. My old home. I miss it, but something just pulled me back to Evie, Josh, and Tyler. I don't know what it was, but I never made it back home. I was at war with myself until I turned around and went back to her. "Hey?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him, "What?" I asked. "You alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking,"

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