Chapter 7

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A/N~ I made the song she sings it's mine only. Also, thank you for voting I really appreciate it. Sorry if I come off as a bitch and I hope you like the story also I'll try to update sooner till next time bye!!

Sage pov-

As I wake up I feel rage curl up on my side, I peek one eye open and see him grumbling.

"No, let me sleep"

I laugh at his cuteness and brush his hair out of his face and kiss his forehead, I love how he curled closer to me in his sleep.

"I will always protect you little one," I said as I stare at his sleeping figure, I try to move out of the bed but he whimpers and moves closer to me clutching my shirt.

"Please don't mama" he starts to shake

"MAMA NO PLEASE NOO!!" I watch this I can't take any more as his small frame starts to shake violently and I pull him to me and I try to calm him and nothing seems to be working. He's burning up I don't know what to do.

"Sing" I hear a un-know voice in my head I don't even think to question it I just start to sing I don't understand what singing will do but if it will help him I'd do anything

I breathe in a deep breath and then let the words come to me

" open your eyes and you will see

I need you here with me

You are my air...

I need you  more 

More than you need me

I want to breathe again

So much pain

Inside your eyes

I want to just take it away

Please don't go and leave

I just met you and I love you

You are My baby

So strong to

You make me proud of you just


I see the light

The light in your eyes the light

 they can't see the light of destiny

Breath baby boy open your eyes for me

 let me see you smile as you do

I need you to listen......

Listen to mammy she's here calling out to you

It's just a dream"

I didn't know I was crying until I look down and see him open his eyes his beautiful blue eyes but they weren't blue they were red like jade's eyes

"I won't leave you, mammy, so please don't cry!" he cried out as he wrapped his arms around my neck never in my life have I ever felt such gratitude or hope I know I'm not alone but I felt if he would have left I would never be the same again.

"Okay baby mammy won't cry but you scared mammy," I said

"I love you voice mammy it chased the monsters away," he said looking at me like I was superwoman. My heart skipped a beat and I smile at him.

"Will you sing it again mammy?" he asked

"Okay baby but later let's wash up and brush our teeth," I said with a chuckle

"Yah!!" he ran to the bathroom and I got up and went to order room service, this is a really nice hotel after all my phone is off so I went and turned it on.

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