chapter 9

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~sage pov~

That night I slept with a heavy heart.

My Prince, I thought as I kissed his cheek my phone buzzed with a text, as I go to it I unlock my phone and see that it's a text from Raven and Angle.

Angle in my phone is named A and Raven is under RayRay

A-please come back we are sorry we know you're our alpha and we are sorry for how we treated you it's it's just your our sister and.........*sigh*.......your our sister we love you and care for you and we worry about you we know you still do "IT" and no not SEX you nasty child!!!

I laughed at that and I can just picture her face when she said this, haha classic

RayRay-yah what A said you, stupid bitch! Now bring ur shmexy ass home rn!! Or I will pour out ur aj (apple juice)

I probably looked like a fish out of the water but-but she wouldn't or would she......

Bitch, I have to GO!!

I'd call the phone but she would just ignore me! Damn IT! So I used the pack mind link on the both and calmly said

"BITCH IF YOU SO MUCH AS LOOK AT MY AJ I WILL KILL ALL YOUR SHOES!!!!! AND BURN ALLLLLL THE CLOTHES IN YOUR CLOSET!!" I may have forgotten to make it a link between the two of us, so everyone in my pack heard it. How do I know this well for one; all I hear was howling and plus Rage hopped up and fell off the bed whining and complaining about his head.

I may have felt a little happy about them missing me but I would not tell them that.

Rage pov


In shock, I jump up and whine from the noise "my head!" I cry to mommy but she's not in bed where did she go?

In panic, I look around and when my eyes land on her I start to pout cuz she is laughing at me

"Hmp how rude" I muttered and got back into bed

And pouted like a very manly man!

"Baby" I don't stop pouting and I refuse to look at her as I close my eyes tightly shut "humph". It gets quite but before I know it. She picked me up and we are bouncing on the bed. I try to run but nope I fall because of the stupid banky!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OK OKAAAAY!!" I screamed in my very manly voice if you ask me

"Yah right!"

" shut it porky!" I said between my laughter

" SAY MOMMY WIN"S!!" mama said in an attempt to sound evil but it only made me laugh harder

"I-I-I wi-will- never SURRENDER!!" I scream between my laughter

I'm laughing so hard there are tears in my eyes.

"Okay if you say so," she said While thinking 

"Nah" while laughing like a witch.

"OKAY OKAY, I HA-HAVE TOO PEE!!!" I screamed mama laughed and stopped tickling me and I ran to the bathroom and forgot to close the door cuz I had to pee that bad! Mama just laughed at me

"The Rudeness is real!" I muttered

"I heard you!" mama said still laughing and I yelped in surprise

I laughed and washed my hands and walked out

"Time for breakfast"


~30 minutes later~

We are going to the packhouse I'm a little nervous but I know mama will be there with me so I'm not scared.

Mama promised to always protect me. But when I was thinking about this I got curious and asked mama who would protect her she said she's a big girl so she would protect herself but I've made up my mind about who's gonna help mama and the one who's gonna protect my mama? ME! That's who.   

Forever and always!

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