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Play this song while reading this speech. It's called graduation(friends forever) by vitamin c. Play it Just because I'm dramatic and very emo about this. I'm soo weird. Ps if it doesn't work than it doesn't matter. You can read it without the music I'm just being dramatic plus it's a classic song . Long story short we played it at my primary school graduation and we all started crying it was funny.


I decided not to do a speech for Ashley
because I have a speech of my own and also I thought it would be nice to end the story on a cliff hanger.

I know it's a terrible ending and I'm sorry I thought it would be best like this.

I just want to thank you all for the support and I'm soo thankful for all of you guys and this is my first story so I hope I did good. I think I could of done better but you know there are more stories to come so don't worry.

Anyways the speech

I wrote this book because I myself am a skinny girl and I wanted people to get an insight of life being a skinny girl. First of all I love my body and I'm not anorexic I've just always been skinny. I saw a lot of comments on how they could relate to this story and that's also why I created to this story so someone could relate to the situation that she is being shamed for being skinny. I also hate getting comment about my weight, I use to love going swimming with my class when I was in primary school but then I started to hate it. I'd get comment on how skinny I am and how they wanted my figure, Of course I was flattered but then I'd get looks of disgust and how people thought I was sick or something . News flash I'm not, I've just always been skinny. Due to me being a skinny girl I don't have large bust like the other girls. Im fifteen now and I've been an a cup ever since I was eleven or twelve. I'm okay with that. Yes I would like to have larger bust but this is my body and I have to love my imperfections because who else will? Because I'm a skinny girl I had my first period when I was fourteen yass late bloomer is what I am. I went to a secondary school where most girls my age had their period already and it wouldn't be able to relate because I didn't have mine yet. I'm okay with that. It use to annoy me but now I just wish they would go away. I hate the fact that people don't realise that skinny shamming exists. I hated being skinny because I was tired being compared to a match stick and how I my chest was like an iron board, flat. It's humorous now but then it really hurt my feelings, I'd be told that I don't need to wear a bra because I had no boobs but how would they know, it's not like they've seen me naked. It use to piss me off but now I embrace my figure, I'm okay with being skinny but I'm not okay with being compared to a twig or being called anorexic. Who said anorexic people were skinny, some are plus size or just normal, anorexia doesn't have a specific look. I know my rant is long but there just some things I want to get out my cheat.

Long story short I have a sister I'm older than her by over a year. You see people always thought she was older than me because she is physically more mature than me. She had her first period when she was twelve and she was a b cup at eleven/twelve while I still remain an a cup . I would hate being asked who is the older one just because I was skinny. I'm taller than my sister, to be honest I am pretty tall for my age I guess. But not extremely tall.

There are so many struggles being a skinny girl as in being told that I don't need to exercise because I'm skinny or going shopping for jeans or just clothes in general. Always a struggle, if I get jeans my size they are to short, if I get them longer they are baggy but my sister never had that problem because she has a normal figure and that would piss me off. Sometimes we wouldn't be able to share clothes just because if I put on her jeans they're short on me and when she puts on mine she can't fit because of her big ass.

I totally going out of topic but I'm just telling you my story it's not really a rant well I don't know what an I even saying.

Not mention the struggle of gaining weight. Can I get an amen? No. Okay.

But seriously I eat a lot but still don't gain anything and I'd get so frustrated. Or sometimes I get full easily. I hate it. Some days I eat like there is no tomorrow others I might not even touch my dinner.

This book was dedicated to my fellow skinny girls and people who would like to take an insight of life being a skinny girl. It ain't easy. Always getting comment on our weight or being compared to a nine year old boy(it happened). I just want to tell my fellow skinny girls that you're gorgeous and slay your figure. Enjoy being able to run with no hassle or being asked if you're a model. I just want to say that you're beautiful and all those hatters asking if you're anorexic or comparing you to a barbie doll fuck them.

But for those who aren't skinny you're gorgeous too don't get me wrong. It's just that I feel that these days people like thicker women and I'm here like "what about us?" Just because a girl is skinny doesn't make her less of a women just because she doesn't have large features.

The purpose of this book is for people to be aware that skinny shaming exists even this book was quite exaggerated.

I want to thank you all sooo very much for reading this shitty book(lol). I'm getting emotional😭😭😭😭

I can't believe this is it. I promise you that you will see more of me very very soon I just have a lot I'm doing okay so just calm down okay.

My message to sociecty

Dear society
I'm a skinny girl, I have struggles. Who said being skinny was easy. Getting hate from people, compared to a boy, stuggles gaining weight, yeah I'm lucky that I don't gain weight but it also bothers me that I can't get an ass like Jenny from the block or queen B because I'm skinny. One second you want everyone to be skinny and then when they are they are ugly and anorexic, like make up your damn mind. Anyways dear society
I'm a skinny girl and I love it
Fuck you
Sincerely, literallylegit.

I know it's a rubbish speech but hey whatever, I spoke what was on my mind and yeah I'm happy. I love being me and you should all love being you because I bet every single one of you guys reading this is fine as he'll. lol. Even if you're a boy or whatever you identify as(I don't descriminate) your are drop dead gorgeous.

Thank you guys soo much

Peace out


( ^ω^ )

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