Chapter 16

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A groan slipped from Erizar's lips. "You have no proof of that," he said in a low voice. His shoulders were hunched forward and his eyes did not meet the king's.

Leaning on one arm of his throne with his hand in a fist, the king ignored Erizar and addressed me. "We suspected Elania and Kalamec of being in support of Umreo's cause. Then, by all appearances, your parents were captured in Hasarmon. It would seem their rebellious natures caused more trouble than they bargained for. At some point you were born and then raised in slavery with no notion of your heritage." That quickly he summarized the whole of my existence, without an ounce of pity or concern. "All this serves," he concluded, "to suggest that we lend even greater caution where you and the dragon are concerned."

"His name is Runedan."

King Niloth went still, his face reddening.

I was prepared to stare down the king, done with his abuse. Erizar prevented me from further angering the king by placing a hand on my shoulder and interposing himself between me and Niloth. "Leave her alone, Sire. How would you expect her to behave?"

I could just see the king's face over Erizar's shoulder. His perpetual frown deepened. "Exactly as she has. I warn you, Erizar, that the benefit of the doubt will only go so far with her."

"Sire, she knows nothing of our world. She is not accustomed-"

"Then allow me to enlighten her."

After a moment's hesitation, Erizar moved stiffly aside.

Hands pressed around his throne's armrests, the king leaned forward. "Our world is at war. The world you came from does not know it; nor do they have any notion as to just how fragile their peacetime is. That is what makes this war so important. My people have devoted their lives to this secret war so that the lands beyond the river can strengthen themselves for the battles we cannot contain.

"Dragons have been reduced to a myth and the Shaderi to a mockery so that our people may be allowed to do their work unhindered. In the minds of Umreo and his followers, those with dragons on their side have the right to rule this world. Umreo would have the eastern lands at his mercy unless we contain him. My people's work is made more difficult because, unlike us, Umreo does not care if a dragon and his rider are suited to one another and to the act of war."

I spoke without thought. "Perhaps he is not wrong. From what I've heard, his approach seems to have some merit."

Sitting back, the king pressed his lips into a thin line. His dragon started making noises deep in his chest which were nothing like the comforting purrs Runedan would make. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Erizar cast me a worried glance.

The king finally spoke in a carefully measured tone. "Your parents caused a good deal of grief before they finally left. That their daughter should return riding a dragon – however unimpressive he may be – is an act to rival their own; particularly when that daughter seems keen to challenge orders. Now tell me how I ought to deal with such a threat to the peace my people struggle to maintain."

My laugh was half-out before I caught myself. "We haven't hurt anyone."

"Not with your hand, and certainly not with his fire, but your very existence as a pair has put a strain on our laws. If I let one self-bonded pair remain companions, who is to say more will not see that as an invitation?"

Heat rose to my cheeks. "Runedan just needed a friend! So did I. We didn't meet in your world. We were just trying to survive. So we could get here." Despite the warmth in my face, I felt cold. To have come so far, to have survived so much, only to have our lives destroyed by one proud, unfeeling king, was enough to make me want to scream. I blinked quickly. I would not cry in front of any of them.

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