Chapter 23

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We were two days from the river crossing when the dragons appeared. Aridon had sent Runedan and Vedis east to look in on a guard post when we broke camp. We set out, expecting them to join us soon. An hour later, Hedyr sounded his horn.

Hatesa and Tryven each had an arrow nocked in a moment. I grabbed for one of my axes. Above us, Lotorea circled back and swept low to the ground long enough for Aridon to shout something to Hedyr. Then she had curved skyward again.

"Who are they?" Hatesa called to Hedyr.

From the south, three dragons were bearing down on us. I could not yet tell if they bore riders.

Hedyr shook his head. "The patrols ought to have dealt with any of Umreo's dragons this far south."

I barely heard him, all of my attention on the approaching threat. I had never witnessed a battle between dragons and earth-bound humans. Even though I gripped my ax, I knew only the worst of circumstances would give me a chance to use it.

Lotorea dove out of the clouds above the attackers and engaged the leader. She had not made a sound, but the head dragon roared with rage when it saw her. It angled hard to one side, pulling away. The other two spun around them and continued for us.

"Aim for their heads," Hedyr told the archers.

Hatesa had drawn back her bowstring. "I know."

All three of the dragons were smaller than Lotorea, but the noise they made was terrifying: a clacking, shrieking war cry that made my ears ring. They dove for us.

"Hold," Hedyr said.

My horse shifted nervously beneath me. I gathered the reins more tightly with my free hand and glanced at Hedyr. He had yet to draw his sword, though Idumo had.

With a word from Hedyr, Hatesa and Tryven released their arrows. One struck the wing of the dragon on the right, and the second glanced off the face of that on the left. The right dragon wheeled away at the last moment while the second pressed on.

Three arrows drove at his face. He reared back, raising his head out of the way and exposing his chest, where a fourth arrow buried itself.

Then he loosed a torrent of fire.

My horse started and pivoted on its back legs. The motion threw me from the saddle. I had the sense to throw away my ax before I landed on it. Behind me came a thunder of hooves that told me my horse had bolted.

Hedyr's and Tryven's horses whinnied fearfully, but Hatesa's stood firm as the girl took aim and released another arrow.

The dragon with the injured wing was sweeping around to take us from behind. Tryven spun in his saddle and shot for its face again. Idumo kept his horse close to Tryven's, ready to defend, while Hedyr moved to guard Hatesa. I pushed unsteadily to my feet, searching for my fallen ax among the tall grasses while keeping one eye on the battle.

The circling dragon had almost reached us when a stream of fire exploded behind it. The dragon screamed. As it fell toward the ground, I saw Vedis pulling back behind it. She roared defiantly as the dragon scraped earth in its struggle to stay aloft.

"Azadryn!" Runedan called. He had come around above me while I watched Vedis. "They need us."

I looked back. Hatesa had let fly one final arrow before she dove from her saddle. The dragon she had engaged snapped at empty air where she had been mounted. Her horse reared and darted away. Hedyr moved in, trying to land a blow before the dragon rose out of reach. The lead dragon and Lotorea were chasing each other through the clouds, trading fire.

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