Chapter 1- New Faces

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Ok so I've been working on this for the longest , and I always wanted to publish this but was scared too. But I only like work on this fan-fiction , very rarely. Also I got this idea from this girl on Wattpad and I wish I could remember her name, cause I would give her credit on this. But I completely changed everything about my story. Anyways please enjoy this story I started on earlier on in the Year.

Lucy POV:

Hi I'm Lucy Heartfilia, and today I'm going to start Fairy Tail High School. My childhood friend Levy basically convinced me to come back here since she missed me so much. First I had to convince my father. I lived around this area  at the age 7, but then moved  because of my dad's job but, Levy and I still kept in contact all these years.

Today is Friday and Levy told me every Friday we can dress in normal clothes and not our uniforms. And yes I'm starting my first day on a Friday, I tried telling my dad could I stay home and start Monday but he said no!

I was looking through my closet and was debating on what to wear: My tank top that said "I only date bad boys " with my red mini skirt or my blue shirt that split up to my breast and blue mini skirt. I decided with my 1st option.

I texted Levy saying leaving the house should be there in 10-15 minutes. I was so excited but then nervous at the same time. What would people think of me, would I fit in, will I make new friends, what if someone likes me, or what if I like them and fall in love? I don't know I'll just have to find out and see.

I pulled up in the Students Only Parking Lot, and parked it next to a nice red car. Someone pulled up next to me with loud music. I looked to my left and saw a group of girls, the girl in the driver's seat had short white hair with the bluest eyes I've ever seen. In the passenger seat was a girl with long light brown wavy hair and glasses, one girl in the back had long green hair and dark purple eyes, before I could get a good look at the other two I was interrupted.

"Hey you! Your in my parking space! Move it!" the girl in the white hair demanded me.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't Know. I'll move" I said kind of scared

"She must be new" One of the girls snickered.

"Yeah must be, because everyone knows not to park in Lisanna's spot"

"What a loser"

All the girls laughed as I was pulling out looking to my left and right, just to be sure I wasn't going to hit anyone. My eyes started to burn a little at the side comment the girls made.

"What a great start Lucy..." I whispered to myself. I parked between a blue car and a black one. The blue one had a whole bunch of books in the window sill and in the seats.

"This has to be Levy's car" I smirked at the thought.

I got out the car and started walking towards the entrance. I felt several eyes on me, I became stiff as more eyes started to be glued on me. I heard a guy say, "damn...I'll like to have a piece of that" I just put my head down wishing the entrance doors were closer.

I was suddenly stopped by someone, no not just one but two people. A boy and a girl. The girl had scarlet hair and dark brown eyes, she was very beautiful and the boy had Blue hair with an tattoo around his eye, very handsome.

"So your the new girl huh? Nice to meet you I'm Erza Scarlet I'm the school's president, I keep everyone in check around here! This is my partner in crime, Jellal Fernandez, he is the Vice President of this school. And you are, may I ask?

"U-uh Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia"

"Nice to meet you, if you need anything just ask us" She bowed and gave me a friendly smile. Jellal stretchered his hand out to mines and said,

"This to meet you Luc-" He didn't get to finish because Erza dragged him away to who knows where.

I hurried and walked away before I could be stopped again, I forgot for a second that I was supposed to meet with Levy in the Library. It took me awhile to find it but I did. I was looking around until my eyes caught a short girl with blue but she was with someone...A GUY!! He had long black spiky hair, and piercings in. I decided to tease her a little and send her a text saying

"I see you Levy" with the smirking face emoji and sent another saying "Is that your boyyyyfriend, I'll leave you two love birds alone, I'll catch up with you later K."

I saw her take a look at her phone, instantly turning red.She quickly texted me back saying,

"Oh shut up! I'll tell you about him later! "And meet me under The Big Oak Tree at lunch ok"

"Ok" I replied back.

I looked at my schedule to see what and who I had first for class. I had Ms. Aries for Fashion and Design.

My 2nd class was Math with Sir Happy,

3rd class was cooking class with Ms. Strauss,

my 4th class was History with Sir Gildarts,

then lunch,

then 5th was English with Mr. Drangeel,

and my 6th was Gardening with Mrs. Drangeel,

and my last class was Science class with Mr. Dreyar.


I jumped a little when the bell had rung.

*Sighhh* Here I go

I look around for Room 707, I tapped on a girl with lovely long blue hair, she turned around. She was holding on to a boy with Raven like hair and apparently...didn't have shirt on.

"Um exucse me, sorry to bother you but I'm new here and I was wondering do you know where Room 707 is?

"Gray-sama and I are actually heading there now"

"Sup, this is my girlfriend Juvia and I'm the one and only Gray!" he said

"Lucy" I smiled

"Love Rival?"

"Would you quit that out already! Geez! can follow us to class if you like" He suggested

I shrugged my shoulders and said sure. We eventually made it and my eyes landed on the group of girls from earlier. Lisanna and her crew. We were having a starring contest, when Juvia pulled me close and said in a low voice

"Juvia says be careful with her, Lisanna is bad news, she is one of the most popular kids and she is a spoiled brat who gets what she wants, when she wants."

I just nod my head and soon as I take a seat , the teacher comes in and sees me.

"E-excuse me class, has you can see we have a new student joining us today"

I stand up and say "Hi, I'm Lucy Heartfilia and I just moved back here to Magnolia,  please take care of me" I heard the group of girls laugh a little

"Its going to be a long school year..." I thought to myself

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