Chapter 17- Is That a Hickey?

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Lucy POV:

The bell to 3rd period rang and I was heading to cooking class. 

Gosh, I'm now just realizing how hectic 2nd period was! First Sting and Natsu fought, I had to convince Sir Happy that we were having a debate about fish, then Rogue decides to confess to me, and we finally have Natsu who just decided to plant me with kisses.

I walked into class and Lisanna was still ignoring me. Which was fantastic. 

Class started and Ms. Strauss said we were going to make carrot cake.

"Yumm I love any type of dessert, don't you Lucy?" Erza said.

I just shook my head in delight. 

We started to gather the ingredients we needed and set them on the table. I realized I didn't have a hair tie so I asked Erza.

"Hey, Erza do you have an extra hair tie on you?"

"Yeah, here you go." She slid down a black hair tie from her wrist and handed it to me.

"Thanks" I then took the black tie and wrapped my hair up in a high ponytail.

Erza and I started to mix in grated carrots and brown sugar. Suddenly Erza stops doing what she is doing and stares at me.

" there something on my face?"

"No...but there is something on your neck though." She said squinting at me.

I backed up little as she got closer to me. "Is that a hickey?" She questioned.

My eyes widen and memories from a few minutes ago started flashing in my head. I smacked my neck. "Um- huh! Whattt. Me Lucy have a hickey nooo. That is just a mosquito bite."

"I don't think that's a mosquito bite-"

"ITS A MOSQUITO BITE!" Everyone turned their heads towards me and I turned a little pinkish at the outburst I just made.

"Okay sorry, it's a mosquito bite...don't need to make a big fuss about it." Erza raised her hand up in surrender.

Damn that Natsu! Now I have to try to cover this spot up for the rest of the week!

It was now lunch time and all I can think about is, if people could see my hickey or not. I kept trying to cover my neck with my hair.

Levy had a disgusted look on her face. "Ew, Lucy your hair is getting all in your food. Here let me move your hair for you." Levy flipped my hair back for me and I flipped it right back.

"No need for that." I faked a smile.

"Why? Lucy that's nasty and it's grossing me out." Levy pretend to gag.

Erza joined in. "Are you trying to hide that mosquito bite from earlier Lucy?"

I was trying to think of something to say until Levy did it for me." Huh? Really Lucy a mosquito bite. Let me see it."

Levy grabbed my hair,  then I grabbed it, and we started going back and forward yanking my hair.

"Let me see it!"


"Let go!"

"It's my hair, so you let go!"

Suddenly a demon like voice came from across the table. "STOP IT YOU TWO".

It was Erza. Levy and I froze terrified for our lives. I just took a deep breath, got up, and walked away to look for Natsu to give him a piece of my mind. It should NOT be that hard to find him anyways with that pink hair of his.

It took me about three minutes to find him he was sitting with Gajeel and Gray.

I came up from behind him. "Natsu, can I speak with you for the moment?" I tried not to sound angry.

He nodded his head, got up from his seat, and followed me inside the school.

"Wassup Lucy?"

"What is up..? What is up! What is up with this, is the question!" I tilted my head sideways, moved my hair away, then pointed to my neck with a reddish-purplish spot on it.

"Oh, a hickey? I did pretty well." He complimented himself.

My mouth opened up widely. "Pretty well?!"

"What? You want me to do better? I mean I could if you want me to." He smirked.

He started to lean in towards my neck as a vampire would. I pushed him away. " Nooo stop! You clearly didn't learn from earlier!" To be honest, my heart was actually beating rapidly just talking to him.

"What was wrong with earlier?"

I blinked a few times." Really." I crossed my arms.
"You didn't stop that's why! And now I have a hickey on my neck!"

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"At least apologize!"

He shoved his hands in his pockets, walked closer to me, and he laid his head down on my shoulder, making the rest of his body kind of lean on me.

"Get off me! You're heavy." I said.

Natsu POV:

I love smelling Lucy, she smells so heavily to me. I got lost in her scent for a second. I was interrupted because she kept whining about me getting off her.

"I'm sorry..." I said.


"I said I'm sorry. I went too far earlier and I apologize for it. If anything I was just trying to mark what was mines". I whispered that last part.

"What was that last part?"


She took both of her arms and pushed me off a bit. Lucy rolled her eyes at me then looked down at her feet. "I forgive you..."

"Good now give me a huggg"

"Uh- no" 

"Awe why not. I thought you forgave me."

"Yeah, doesn't mean I'm going to give you a hug." She started walking away from me. You know what that means.

I yanked her back and kissed her. 


"You know the rule!"

"No! You know the rule! My rule overrides yours! Permission for a kiss remember! Geez, you can't just kiss me like that. I'm not even your girlfriend!"

She's right...she is not my girlfriend. I mean, should I make her my girlfriend so I can kiss her? Or would that be wrong? 

"Girlfriend?" I said

"Yes girlfriend, now bye!" Then she left.

Mmm...Lucy as my girlfriend doesn't sound too bad.

I am so sorry for updating so late, I hate doing that. But enjoy!

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