Chapter 5- How Dare you?!

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Lucy POV

"You can do this. You can do this. You can do this Lucy." I constantly repeated to myself in the bathroom mirror.
Today is going to be my 2nd day of Fairy Tail High, I'm more nervous than my 1st day. I have to face those mean girls , I didn't go to my last 3 classes yesterday, and that pink hair boy...Natsu.
I looked at my phone it was time for me to go before I was late. I ran downstairs  and grabbed my keys off the counter and headed towards my car. My mind was still racing with thoughts as I was driving to school.
I pull up in the students only parking lot and as I get out I can see Lisanna is here already. I wonder where Levy was though, because I don't see her car here.

I decided to text her

"Hey Levy wya?"

"The library duhhh"

"lol should have known, here I come"

I walked in the library and saw my little blue hair friend . I decided to sneak up on her.

"Ahhh!! Oh my gosh Lu don't do that!" Levy tried to say loud but not too loud .

"I'm sorry, it was like the perfect opportunity. Sooo...where's your car?" I asked concerned

"Oooh..umm..welll" she was twirling her hair and her face started turning a light pink.

"Wellll..."  wanting her to proceed.

"Well I got a ride from Gajeel.."

"The guy from yesterday?"

"Yes, him"

"Mmm ok ok" I said elbowing her"

"Oooh hush it!" She said in embarrassment.


"Don't forget Lu! Big Oak Tree for lunch! The Boys are sitting with us today "

"Boys..." I thought to myself as I was walking to Fashion and Design.

"Oh heyy love Rival" Juvia says to me as I walk in

"Cut it out will you!" Gray says

But thats not the only hello I got.
Lisanna and her little gang were all looking at me.

"Ha! Nice shoes!" One of them said. They all laughed.

To be honest I was very confused at that comment because we are all wearing the same shoes because we're all in our uniforms today...? Okay whatever. I literally just wanted to get through the day without them and their stupidity comments, that's all I ask for.

Natsu POV:

Swoosh .  I'm rushing to 2nd period so I can show that Lucy girl how bad I'm really am. But just how I thought. I lay my head down in my arms like I do in every class. I hear a whole bunch of foot steps and voices coming in from the door. All of a sudden I got a whiff of strawberries and I sniffed again before the smell went away...and vanilla! My nose followed the smell from whom it was coming from. I look to my right and see that Lucy girl. Oh my Mavis she smells good.

I called her name "Aye Lucy!"
She looked up with confusion.

Lucy POV:

"Why is he calling my name" I thought. Why ! Why! Whyyy!
I finally spoke but the word yes almost barely came out my mouth.

"Y-yes?" Instead of him responding with words he responded with an action. He literally just winked at me and turned around.

"Hey Lucy why did Natsu wink at u just now?" Sting questioned.

"I'm not sure, why?"

"No reason " he said.

Soon as Sir Happy walked in the late bell had rung.

"Ok class take out your fish books! Uhh-I mean math books!"

"Hey Lucy wanna skip class" Sting whispered

"What are u crazy! Its only my 2nd day and I already missed a couple of classes yesterday!"


"So! I'm not skipping with you!" I tried to say as quiet as I could.


"I am not lame!"

"Then come on then. All Sir Happy does is talk about fish. This class is an easy A for peak sakes" he said trying to convince me

I thought about it for a second, "mmmm fine then!" He grabbed my hand and we went flying out the door without Sir Happy noticing.

Natsu POV

I heard footsteps going towards the door, so I lift my head up to see who it was. My vision was blurry with spots of black for a second but I managed to see two blondes.
"Where the hell do those two blondes think they're going!?" I said to myself.

Lucy POV:

"Slow downnn! Where are we going !?"

"The roof top" he simply replied .

We had reached the roof top and I'll just have to say it felt amazing outside, it was such a beautiful day out; my hair was blowing in the
Direction of the wind, the sun was just hitting me just right and everything.

I felt Sting starring at me so I spoke, "umm is there something you want to say Sting?"

"U-uh no!" He quickly looked away

"Oooh come onnn! Say it."

"Its just...*mumbling*"

"Huh, say it again?"

He continues to mumble

"I can't hear you Sting"


I didn't know want to say but thanks, I was shocked. I thought it would be Rouge to be the one to say something like this to me, well at least .

"I'm sorry if I made it awkward..."

"No its okay" I said. 

"Lucy...I also wanted to-"

Before he could finish I heard the door slam open

"How dare you!"

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