Chapter 20- I Like You Too

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Natsu POV :

Oh my gosh, my hands are sweating, my heart is thumping. What the heck was I thinking? I wanted to wait to tell her, but I couldn't help it. 

"I like you..." I repeated, regretting my decision

"Like I really like you. Something about you makes me want you sooo bad. I can never stop thinking about you. It's like the moment I talked to you, you put me under this trance. When I'm around you I'm always smiling,  I can't keep my eyes off you. Yeah, you have a rocking body but your face is also beautiful."

I took my hand placing it on Lucy's face and looking deep into her eyes. "So beautiful. I used to think brown eyes were just simple brown eyes until I laid mine on yours. Your eyes are so alluring to me. I love it."

"Those lips of yours are irresistible, so I apologize for constantly kissing you. I'm sorry for stealing your first kiss, and to be honest that day I almost kissed you on the rooftop I thought to myself...what am I doing?"

"Now I realize exactly what I'm doing. I'm kissing you because I want you. I want to get to know you more. I want to spend time with you Lucy. Seeing you just at school is not enough for me."

Lucy was looking at me with mixed emotions. I backed away from her.

"Ahh...what am I saying. I sound so stupid at the moment." I started running my hands through my hair.


I looked at her. "Yeah?"

She took my hand, took a big sigh, and then looked to the ground swinging her legs a bit since she was still on the counter. "Don't feel stupid...because to be honest..." She paused.

"To be honest what?" I wanted her to proceed.

She looked up and gave me the cutest brightest smile ever. "I like you too."

My heart fluttered a bit. "D-did I hear that right. Let me just clean my ear out at the moment." I pretended to clean my ear. " Say it again."

She rolled her eyes and laughed a bit, her face turning a bit red. "I like you."

I felt my face form into a smile. "Ooooou someone likes Natsu."

"Stawwp! I already feel embarrassed that I admitted it."

I started singing a little song. "Lucy liiiikesss me, Lucy liiiikesss me, Lucy liiikessss me-"

I was interrupted with a kick to my balls. "Oof!" Then I fell to the ground.

"Shut up!" She got from the counter and continued washing dishes.

I got back up thinking to myself. Wow...Lucy really likes me. Why though?

"Lucy, why do you like me?"

She didn't answer me. "Hellooo? Are you going to tell me why you like me? I told you why I liked you."

"So." She said finishing up the dishes.


She still didn't answer me. So I decided to turn her around. Her face was all red. " Lucy, are you constipated?"

"What, no! I just feel embarrassed..."

"Well don't be. Now tell me."

"It's not that easy okay."

"Aww come on." I started tickling her sides making her giggle.

The words "quit it" was barely escaping her mouth due to her laughing so much.

"Okay, Okay. I'll tell you."

"Thank you!" I smiled

"I like you because...I just do. That stupid grin of yours gets me every time. It makes me melt inside. The way you stick up for me shows me how much you really care."

"Is it bad that I hate when you just kiss me just because, touch me inappropriately, or talk to me dirty, but love it at the same time!"

"The way your lips feel against mine, it feels like I'm in heaven. The way your arms wrap around me, I want to stay like that forever,  I just want more of it, I want more of you!

"I also want to get to know you better, go places, and do things. I want you too. Gosh! Is it creepy that I set us as our lock -screen." She pulled out her phone and pointed at the screen.

I pulled out my phone and put it in her face while smiling. " Me too!"

I shoved my phone back in my pocket. I got close to her. Chest to chest. "I think I heard enough."

I took my hands putting them on her curvy hips and then leaned down and kissed her.

We started kissing each other wanting more of each other's lips. I picked her up and carried her to the living room, placing her on the couch. 

We went back to kissing each other. I slid my tongue in her mouth exploring how moist it was. She did the same and now we were tongue kissing. All this kissing was making me a little hard.

I slid my hand up her shirt to grope her breast and she lit out a little moan.  I want to do so much more to her right now, but I can't so I just continued kissing her.

Lucy POV:

I think Natsu is getting hard I feel it! He feels a little huge! He then broke our kiss and started kissing on my neck. I didn't realize how sensitive my neck was until now. My toes curled up at the feeling of him doing that. It was so gentle, soft, and tingly I couldn't help but to moan in pleasure.

He lifted his lips from my neck to look at me. "You are the most beautiful girl ever. I swear." I blushed then we went right back to kissing.

A couple of minutes later Natsu said he had to go. I was sad to see him go, even though I know I would see him tomorrow at school.

I was waving him goodbye but then he ran back. "Oh, I forgot something."


"This." He kissed me on the lips and then ran back to his car leaving me dumbfounded.

I closed the door cheesing ear to ear.

"Gosh...what a night! Now I feel like when I see him at school it will be superrrr awkward for me! Now I'm scared to go to school tomorrow!"

"Great!" I said to myself.

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