Chapter 23- A Deal

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Lucy POV:

I had just got finished getting ready for school and lied across my bed thinking about Natsu. I can't believe me and Natsu are actually going out! I covered my whole face with the palm of my hands and squealed.

I felt my phone buzz on the bed. I looked over and it was a text from Natsu.

"Come out."

I texted him back. "What?"

"Come outside!"

I ran downstairs and saw Natsu waiting in my driveway. "What are you doing here?" I said while waiting for him to roll down his window.

"I don't know what you said but I'm going to guess you said, what am I doing here? I'm here to take you to school duhhh. Now hop in."

I walked over to the passenger side and got in. I feel nervous.

"Give me a kiss."

"What! No!"

He pouted. "Why not. Does your breathe stink or something?"

My mouth agape opened while I playfully hit him. "NOOO!"

"Then what is it?"

"I-fineee." I leaned towards him to kiss his lips. I looked away blushing. "Can we go nowww."

"You're so cute when your face turns red. " He started up his car and backed up out my driveway. On our way to school, I felt something on my leg. I looked down and his hand was gripping my thigh.

My heart was bouncing around inside. What should I do? I never experienced any of this before. I decided to put my hand on top of his and then he swooped my hand up and held it. His hands were clammy. Is he nervous too?

We arrived to school and we released our hands. "Sorry my hands were sweaty, you make me nervous."

"Me make you nervous? You make me nervous. You're always full of surprises." We continued talking as we exited the car and entered the building full of noisy kids. When we were walking down the halls Natsu put his arm around my neck and leaned his head on mines. Eyes were starting to land on us, not leaving until we left their sight. Then comments started to be made.

"Natsu and Lucy?"

"Since when?"

"I would have never thought."

"No way."

"Lisanna's going to be pissed..."

"I bet they won't last, just like the rest of his 'girlfriends.'"

We were by my 1st period. "Thanks for walking me to class Natsu."

"Sooo...we're dating whores now?" We both looked to the left and it was Lisanna.

I decided to speak up. "You need to make up your mind, whether you hate us or not. Because it always seems like you're in our business." 

"You have been too confident in yourself lately Lucy. Pipe down why don't you." She gave me a fake smile and turned to Natsu for an answer.

"I suggest you look in the mirror before you call someone a whore Lisanna."

"Keep talking to me like that Natsu, and I'll get my older brother on you."

"Oooou shiver me timbers. Am I supposed to be scared or something? "

She wrinkled up her nose. "Just know, you're missing out. Instead of dating a rock, next time pick a diamond. mmph!" And then she headed in the class.

"What a bitch..." I said

"Don't mind her. She has no life so she comes after others. Anywho, I'm going to head to class now before I'm late, see you next period!" He then ran off.

I entered and there was Lisanna just staring me down. "Juvia has heard you're going out with Natsu."

"Ahhh! Juvia you scared me. But yes, how'd you know?"

"Well everyone knows."

"It's barely 1st period!!"

"Things around her spread fast."

"Yeah, I see that." I rolled my eyes and class ended soon as it started.

A smile started forming on my face thinking of how I'm going to see Natsu this period. Is this how it feels to like someone?

Class started and no Natsu. I began to get concerned after 5 minutes went by so I decided to text him.

"Where are you?"

A few minutes passed and he answered. "I'm in the principles office."

"What! for what!?"

"I got into a fight with Elfman."


"Lisanna's brother"

My heart began to pound rapidly. I have had enough of her! What should I do? I texted him back. "I'm sick of her! We need to do something about her."

"Just fight her." He replied back.

"Nooo. Fighting can't solve anything."

"Booo, I wanna see you fight."

I rolled my eyes and started typing back. " Maybe I should propose a deal with her."

"Like what?"

"I don't know yet." 

I looked to my right and saw Sting. "Hey..Sting."

He looked at me so fast. "Ye-yes?"

Text Lisanna for me and tell her to meet me outside the classroom now.

He didn't even bother to ask why, his fingers went straight to typing. A few minutes later he told me she was outside the door. I asked Sir Happy, could I use the restroom and he said yes.

When I walked out she was right there."So why did you wanna meet here?"

I slapped her. "How could you actually send your brother on Natsu."

She held her face. "How dare you!! I will ruin your life!"

"I called you out here to make a deal."

"Why would I wanna make a deal with a pig like you! Especially after you just slapped me!"

"Let's play a few games. 3/5 wins. If I win, you have to stop bullying everyone. If you win, I'll leave this school and... break up with Natsu."

"Ha! sounds too easy. What are the games?"

"I'll give you the details later. Deal?"

She moved her lips to the side, feeling skeptical at first. "...Deal." 

Hi...I know it's been a while. I am very much sorry...I am also sorry for this chapter, It was short and a little crappy but I tried. I haven't written in so long, so just give me a minute while I get my mojo back. I will probably update my other books soon too. Thank you for all your support and I hope everyone stays safe. I love you guys!!

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