Chapter 22- Be My Girlfriend

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Natsu POV:

I can't believe I'm actually about to do this. I'm actually about to ask this. I never thought I would do this. Here we go.

"Gray. How do you ask a girl out?"

Gray looked at me and laughed. "Ahhh. That's funny."

When he stopped laughing he searched my face and found that I was serious. "Natsu, you asked out girls before. Why are you asking me all of a sudden?"

"Because this one is different."

"Different how?"

"I-well, this one is special."

"Special how?"

"Stop asking me how and tell me what to do!"

"Just be yourself man."

"I don't like myself though." I pouted.

He rolled his eyes. "Stop messing around."

"Well, I plan on carving pumpkins with her."

"Pumpkins dude? What are you five." He chuckled a bit. 

It was my turn to roll my eyes. "So what. Your relationship is cringy anyways. All Juvia does is cling on to you while you walk around half naked!"

"Hey watch it! You're the one who asked me for help."


"As I said, be yourself man. I don't know what else to tell you. Carve some words in the pumpkin or something."

And at that moment, I had the best idea I've probably would have ever in my entire life.

"Thanks Gray!" 

I ran out of Gray's house and headed for the grocery store and bought at least 20-25 pumpkins and candles. Then I got to work on my marvelous plan.

It was now Saturday and I was nervous. Yes me nervous, crazy right. What if she says no, I might actually cry. 

"Natsu why do we have to stay upstairs?"

"I just explained! Stay upstairs Wendy. You too Chelia!" 

Wendy was my sister and Chelia was her best friend. 

"I want to carve pumpkins too."

"No!" I argued back.

"I'm telling mom!"

"For what! Mom is staying upstairs too!"

She ran upstairs whining with Chelia following along. 

"Crybaby!" I yelled.

In a few minutes, my mom came downstairs. "Natsu, why is Wendy crying?"

That snitch! 

"Because I told her, she had to stay upstairs while Lucy is here and that she can't carve pumpkins with me."

"Natsu, spend time with your sister."

I felt my blood boil. "What! I see her every day! Now all of a sudden I have to spend time with her when I have a special guest coming over. Mom, I already told you the plan. I only have two pumpkins left and that's for me and Lucy. I already told Wendy the plan too, so I don't know why she's whining about it!"

"So she's that special huh?"

"Yes, mom. If I really wanted to carve pumpkins with Wendy, I would have bought an extra one for her and her little friend. Me and her can do that another day."

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