The Worthy

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Draco sat to the right of his mother and his Aunt Bellatrix stood in the corner of the room, watching her master in awe.
Voldemort moved around the room as if he owned the placed. Draco was kidding himself, Voldemort did own the place.
Malfoy Manor was no longer his home but the home to Death Eaters and Voldemort himself, they all came in and out whenever they pleased. Draco had chosen to stay isolated in his room. He was all for the purity of magical blood but even he couldn't deny he was scared.

Today Narcissa had summoned Draco out of his room, saying that the Dark Lord wished to speak to him. As Draco left the room Narcissa had grabbed his arm and looked in his eyes. In her own eyes he could see fear and sadness, emotions that his mother rarely, if ever, wore.

Voldemort walked towards Draco, "I have a task for you Draco," he hissed, "it would make your father proud, a chance to redeem the Malfoy name,"

"Yes my Lord? What is this task?" Draco asked. He was determined to make his father proud and if it meant that his parents would be safe he would do anything

"Give me your arm Draco, give me your alligence," Voldemort smirked. Draco felt his mother's tight grip on his thigh and slowly, he raised his left arm from under the table and rolled up his sleeve. He has been waiting his whole life for this moment, to become a part of Lord Voldemort's inner circle.
Voldemort pointed his wand at Draco's forearm and a shot of green light emerged from the wand. Draco screamed at the burning pain running through his arm. Narcissa had tightened her grip on his thigh, in reassurance that she was indeed there.

After what felt like a lifetime, the pain died down leaving a throb in his forearm. Draco turned to his mother who looked straight ahead at the wall, not wanting to see her son's pain.

"Your task Draco, I do hope you do not fail me like your father, is to kill none other than the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,"

Draco looked at the Dark Lord in disbelief

"Yes Draco, in order to redeem the Malfoy name you and you alone, must kill Albus Dumbledore,"

Aliah Snape: For Those Who We Love (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now