Keeping up Appearances

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"I'm a Gryffindor Father I am not your puppet!"

"You are still my daughter," Snape growled

"I am a teenager that needs to live my life,"

"I am trying to look after you,"

"I have to grow, socialise I have friends you know," Aliah yelled back. Father and daughter stood in the middle of the courtyard arguing with each other. Aliah sat in the tree with Ginny and the rest of her dorm mates while Snape was on the ground with a few prying eyes.

"No you are staying where you are,"

"You don't control me!"

"Come down this instant,"


"Stupid girl get down here now,"

"Well since you asked so nicely," Aliah rolled her eyes. Aliah bent her right arm in a ninety degree angle facing her Father. Then hit her bicep with her left hand. Snape growled and stomped off angrily.

"Can't believe him," Aliah rolled her eyes, "I'm sick of living in his quarter it's so boring,"

"What about Malfoy?" Blaire asked

"I heard my name. Does that mean you want to take me back Honey Bun?" A voice sounded from the ground. Aliah rolled her eyes

"Why? Do you miss me babe?" Aliah made a kissy noise

"No why would I? last time I checked have the six pack or don't you remember?"

"I remember a flat stomach and a small limp thing," Aliah chuckled. Blaise Zabini who was behind Draco let out a small giggle that earned him an elbow in the stomach from Malfoy.

"Why don't you come down here and face me Snapey?" Malfoy pulled his wand from his robes

Aliah jumped down and stood to her full height

"What did you just call me?"

"Snapey..." Malfoy dragged on the 'e' sound. Aliah went to punch his chest but Malfoy sent a stunning spell at Aliah causing her to fly back and hit the tree trunk. Aliah looked up at Malfoy and saw hurt in his eyes, invisible for anyone to see but Aliah knew Draco best. Aliah waved her wand around her head and then aimed it at Draco. Aliah was careful with her spell and made sure it was aimed correctly. His right arm went red and burst into bubbles. Draco sent another spell at Aliah but Aliah blocked.

"Stop, STOP!" Slughorn screamed, stepping in between the couple, "you two are the finest couple I've ever seen, well besides your parents Malfoy but that is beside the point!"

Draco's friends snickered behind him at the call out of his parents.

"I'll be going now," Aliah grunted and turned away

"Hold it Aliah dear,"

Aliah snorted and turned around. She folded her arms over her chest and slumped against the trunk.

"I want both of you in my office now," Slughorn demanded. Neither Draco or Aliah moved, "I said now," Slughorn's face went slightly red. Aliah raised an eyebrow at Draco. Draco tucked his wand back into his pocket and walked towards Aliah to the castle. Aliah knocked his shoulder to send a message to him through her earth magic.

"We loathe each other,"

Draco turned his head and pressed his body up against her.

"Say something rude so we can get out of speaking to Slughorn"

"You know you are a feisty one," Draco lifted his hand to touch her face. Aliah slapped it away

"Don't you touch me,"

"This isn't going to work, both of you go your separate ways," Slughorn gave up

"Well done, I love you," Aliah sent to Draco before pushing his chest

"see-ya," Aliah waved then skipped away.

Aliah laid on her bed in Gryffindor tower. A light knock came from the door, "come in," Aliah called. The door opened and Ginny walked in closing the door behind her.

"You ok?"

"I'm fine,"

"You sure? You had two fights today, first with Snape second with Malfoy,"

"I'm defensive,"

"You're bomb," Ginny chuckled, "ready to go off any second,"

"True," Aliah sat up

"Want to talk about the fights?" Ginny asked.

"sure, they were all fake since I'm going to jump off the astronomy tower and fake my death. Then I will be living with my boyfriend's mother for a few months. Oh I forgot to mention, the house is infested with Death Eaters,"  Aliah thought

"Not really, they were stupid fights,"

"Well since Malfoy is a rightful git I say he deserved everything he got. Snape I don't understand,"

"He was, is controlling. I don't know if it's because he is protective of me or what,"

"What about the nightmares?"

"I still have them, but I didn't want to stay down there much longer,"


"because Malfoy used to sleep with me and my body used to relax to his touch, now that we are no more, I can't sleep in a cold room by myself,"

"and the fact that I have to keep up appearances," Aliah added in her mind

"But I stole a tonic from my Father so I can have a dreamless sleep,"

"So you are staying here for good?"

"Yes, the bitch is back!" Aliah laughed.

Aliah Snape: For Those Who We Love (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now