The Black Sisters

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"Merry Christmas Aliah,"

"It better be after ten I swear to Merlin!" Aliah opened her eyes and saw her Father sitting on the side of her bed with a gold box

"it's nine o'clock,"

"argh!" Aliah grabbed the pillow next to her and whacked her face with it

"Get up there is someone to see you so you need to be quick,"


"Get up," Snape took the present with him and left the room. With a grunt Aliah rolled onto her stomach and pushed her self of the bed. She quickly used her wandless magic to pull out clothes from her draws.

Aliah chose green jeans with a red shirt. Aliah put on Draco's promise ring and the opal necklace. Aliah slid on her knee high black boots and searched for her wand, which was nowhere to be seen. Aliah searched for her snake armband but that was missing too. Aliah shrugged it off and walked out of her room.

"Merry Christmas Aliah!" a flash of blonde hair hurtled forward at Aliah. At first Aliah assumed it was Draco but when the figure stepped back it was Narcissa Malfoy.

"Merry Christmas Narcissa, Father," Aliah turned her head to her Father. Snape rose from the couch and handed Aliah the golden box. Aliah opened the present and inside was her snake armband. Aliah looked up with a questioning look.

"That is your wand and armband morphed into one," Snape explained

"I don't understand, how?"

"Lets say I have a wand maker on hand," Narcissa said.

"I have something for you Narcissa," Aliah whacked her forehead. She almost forgot the present.

"You do?"

"Yeah, here," Aliah used her wandless magic to summon the present from her room. Aliah handed the small silver box to Narcissa. Narcissa opened the box carefully and pulled out Aliah's gift.

"Its beautiful!" Narcissa gasped as she slipped the ring on her finger. It was a snake ring with tiny black onyx stones as eyes. The ring wrapped around all of Narcissa's pointer finger on her right hand. Narcissa ran her finger over the ring. The snake had a textured feel and look to represent scales.

"Since I'll be living with you soon, this ring will allow us to communicate by thought when I am in my animagus form. It is the same as Draco's family ring,"

"Thank you Aliah. What is your animagus form?" Narcissa raised an eyebrow. Aliah looked to her Father who nodded. Aliah took a step back and closed her eyes. She felt the familiar shift of the transformation. She felt her bones move, crack and grow.

Aliah opened her eyes and saw Narcissa's eyes widen. Narcissa bent down and stroked Aliah's head. Aliah nudged her head closer to Narcissa's hand.

"Wow. Draco told me that you were a beautiful tiger, but seeing it for myself..."

"Thank you," Aliah thought to Narcissa.

"it works!" Narcissa said out loud

"You can send a thought to me as well Narcissa. Think of something you want to say to me and imagine that you are talking to me,"

"Can you hear me?" Narcissa thought

"Loud and clear,"

"This will make things easier when you love at the manor, but remember Aliah," Narcissa's expression darkened, "whatever you do, do not turn back into your original form. I asume you know of my sister Bellatrix? She has a nose of a blood hound and as soon as you transform and make any sound, she will find you."

"Can I ask you a personal question? You don't have to answer,"

"What is the question?"

"Your sister tortures people for fun, people like me, and I was wondering how can you love someone like that?"

"She is my sister and when we were little we lived in an abusive home.We were brought up to hate muggle-borns and half-bloods and any association resulted in the cruciatus curse.
We were taught to look down upon them, it was drilled into our brains that we were best of the best since we were pure-bloods. My eldest sister Bella, listened to our parents. She would 'play' with students when she was here at Hogwarts, that weren't pure-bloods by hexing and jinxing them.
My other sister Andromeda was different. She wasn't like Bella or I, we were all different but we all stuck together, but then she fell in love with a muggle-born and everything changed. She ran away one summer while I was still in school and our parents told us we weren't allowed to even speak of her or contact her in anyway. As far as they knew, they only had two daughters,"

Aliah gasped

"To answer to your question Aliah, my Father became frequently more abusive, with every little thing we did caused him to curse us. Bellatrix was very protective of me, she would take the blame of everything so that I didn't suffer the cruciatus curse,"

"Is that what caused her to be a..." Aliah didn't know how to finish the sentence

"Psychopath? Yes that was a major part of it, but she believed she failed the task of a pure-blood wife and that just about pushed her over the edge,"

"I don't understand,"

"Growing up we were told pure-bloods didn't marry for love, only to be a proper pure-blood wife. We were told to produce an heir for the inheritance and hang on to the arm of our husbands, trophy wives we called it. Bellatrix had a couple of miscarriages which caused her to become how she is,"

"Tell me if I'm digging too much, but what about you and Lucius? Did you marry for love or was it an arranged marriage?"

"Both. Lucius and I fell in love when I was in my fourth year, he was in his sixth. We absolutely hated each other but when my sister ran away he was the one that protected and sheltered me. When he graduated he went to his Father and begged him to arrange the marriage with my Father. My Father agreed saying he was a suitable man with the Malfoy name, wealth and Lucius being a pure-blood. We married as soon as I graduated out of school. I was nineteen and he was twenty."

Aliah Snape: For Those Who We Love (Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora