The Lioness and the Head Snake

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A pillow whacked Aliah in the face causing her wake up, "Ginny if that was you-" Aliah started but was cut off by another whack in the face, "THAT'S IT!" Aliah grabbed her pillow and hit Ginny in the stomach. Ginny stepped back then gave a smirk but before Aliah could raise the pillow for another hit, she was hit from the behind by another pillow. Aliah face-planted into her bed. She turned around to see their dorm mate Blaire, laughing with a pillow in her hand.

"What was that for?" Aliah asked staring at them two

"Kiss me Draco, kiss me," Ginny mocked

"You forgot come here Blondie," Fiona said from the other side of the room

"Excuse me?" Aliah asked

"You were talking in your sleep," Ginny said

"Was I?"

"Yeah, and it was quite...umm...intimate..." Blaire blushed


"Touch me, oh yes Draco," Ginny mocked again. Aliah threw her pillow at her and went bright red and her hair turned pink

"What the...?" the other two girls jumped back

"What?" Aliah grabbed her hair, "Oh did I forget to mention that I am a Metamorphmagus?"

Aliah ran down the stairs to her first class for the day, Defense Against the Dark Arts with her father. Aliah opened the door and quietly snuck into the room and sat next to Draco when her father had his back to the class, "Nice to grace us with your presence Miss Snape," Snape turned around and glared at his daughter. The class gasped. Aliah looked around and majority of students had a shocked look on their faces.

"No problem," She smirked.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for your classmate's lateness,"

"Love you too," Aliah blew him a kiss, the class went silent. Snape narrowed his eyes

"I love you too, now everyone get your wands out please. Now as I was saying before we were rudely interrupted by Miss Snape, today we will be practicing how to jinx each other with nonverbal magic. Everyone get into partners, Miss Snape with me please,"

Aliah groaned and walked up to her father

"Just because I am your teacher does not mean you can slacken off!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too. I had a run in with a few pillows," Aliah blushed remembering what the girls said about her dream.

"Don't let it happen again,"

"Admit it, you enjoyed taking points of Gryffindor," Aliah placed a hand on her hip. Snape scowled at his daughter. Aliah stuck out her tongue and walked away to go to Draco who was practicing with Pansy.

"Move pug face," Aliah said

"Filthy Gryffindor you can't tell me what to do. Even your father favors us Slytherins over you,"

"At least he loves me and I don't have to suck up to him," Aliah chuckled, "now like I said move,"

Pansy pointed her wand at Aliah "Levicorpes," Aliah defected the spell with her wand without saying a word

"Miss Parkinson we are learning nonverbal magic here. Please take your own fights outside the classroom or I will take points of my own house," Snape called from the front of the classroom. Aliah chuckled as Pansy went red,
"come on Draco let's go practice somewhere else," Pansy reached for his hand but Draco shook her off

"Why would I do that?" Draco asked as he snaked an arm around Aliah's waist

"To get away from this Gryffindor scum! What love potion have you given him Snape?"

"No love potion is needed," Draco smiled and kissed Aliah passionately. Pansy hexed Aliah again and it hit Aliah on the side of her stomach. Aliah cried out in pain and her weight fell onto Draco. She looked down and saw that Pansy had burned through Aliah's robes and blisters formed on her right hip. Snape ran over and pointed his wand at her side. The blisters disappeared but the burning pain still remained, "go to madam Promfrey," Snape said

"No I'm good, I can put up with the pain," Aliah shook him off Snape was about to protest but Aliah gave him a warning look.

"Miss Parkinson twenty points from Slytherin,"

"TWENTY?" she screeched

"You were supposed to use nonverbal magic and harmless jinxes and hexes. What you did was not harmless nor was it nonverbal,"

"daddy's pet," she muttered

"What was that?" Snape growled

"nothing sir,"

"Want me to take another ten points?"

"No sir"

"Then I would recommend shutting your mouth," Snape said as he flicked his cloak behind him and walked away to Harry and Ron.

"Next time you won't be so lucky," Pansy threatened

"Bitch please, I need no one to protect me," Aliah let go of Draco and stepped towards Pansy

"What you going to do? Crawl to daddy dearest?"

"You want to have a go with me?"

"Aliah don't," Draco grabbed her shoulder pulling her back. Aliah relaxed at his touch and moved into him,

"Yeah right you need no one," Pansy rolled her eyes. Aliah turned and in one fluid motion Aliah grabbed Pansy's hair and pushed her face into a nearby desk. She leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"This is your last warning. Don't you ever, mess with Draco or I again or I will hurt you with more pain than you have ever felt when you at least expect it, got it?" Aliah growled. Pansy stayed silent so Aliah yanked her head back and bashed her head against the desk.

"Do you understand me?" Aliah growled. Pansy gave a small nod

"Good," Aliah let go of Pansy and walked over to Draco who kissed her cheek

"Remind me never to get on your bad side,"

"You better not, that was a warning and you wouldn't get a warning," Aliah smiled innocently. Draco's mouth dropped and Aliah kissed him, "kidding I wouldn't hurt you,"

"You tried to beat me up last year remember?"

"But I taught you how to defend didn't I?"

"You are the Gryffindor lioness aren't you?"

"No, but I am your Gryffindor lioness,"

"That you are," Draco pressed his lips to Aliah's

"Miss Snape five points from Gryffindor for inappropriate behaviour!" Snape boomed from the other side of the classroom

"Seriously?" Aliah said

"Want to make it ten?"


"Then I suggest you return to your work,"

Aliah turned to Draco and started laughing. Draco smiled but didn't laugh. Aliah looked at him with a questioning look. Something wasn't right. Before she could ask she heard a crash. She spun her head around and saw her father on the floor with Harry pointed his wand at him

"Nonverbal magic Potter! Detention," Snape bellowed

"thanks for putting him in a shit ass mood Harry," Aliah muttered under her breath.

The bell finally sounded for the end of class. Aliah kissed Draco a good bye then went to Transfiguration with the fourth years.

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