Sweet 16th

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Aliah was bombarded with Birthday wishes from Professors and students at the Gryffindor table

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Aliah was bombarded with Birthday wishes from Professors and students at the Gryffindor table. Aliah gave them all a meaningless wave, she only wanted to see two people. Her father and Draco. Ginny had given her a box of sugar quills, chocolate frogs and instant darkness powder from the twin's shop. Fred and George sent her a box of goods from their store by owl. Inside was a trick wand that would whack the user on the head rapidly, Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz bangs and a purple pygmy puff.

As Aliah ate her breakfast her pigmy puff rested on her shoulder, nuzzling into her neck. Her sight went black as a pair of hands covered her eyes. "Happy Birthday my Tigress,"

"Happy one year Blondie," Aliah smiled as she turned in her seat and pulled Draco down by his tie to give him a passionate kiss. Draco sat down next to Aliah and handed her two boxes. One was a thin, rectangular black box with a green bow on top. The other was a small black box with a red bow on top.

"Shall we go somewhere private to open these?" Draco asked. Aliah nodded and he grabbed her presents. Aliah followed Draco out of the Great Hall, up the stairs to their spot.

Draco turned around and grabbed Aliah's hand and pulled her to the balcony of the astronomy tower. Aliah looked over the rails and gazed over the grounds.

"Are we going to Hogsmeade next weekend to celebrate?"

"I can't sorry Aliah," Draco lifted the box with the green bow towards her, "This one is from my parents,"

"Parents?" Aliah raised an eyebrow

"Well mother actually, she was going to give this to you when you turn seventeen but with the war coming she thought you would need this now," Draco said. Aliah took the box from his hands and pulled away the bow.
Aliah carefully opened the box. Inside was a silver dagger with gemstones on the handle. She picked it up from the cushion it laid on and examined the dagger. The blade was very sharp and could easily pierce skin without much force, there were three green gemstones down the handle and the Malfoy crest was on the base of the handle.

"This is beautiful!" Aliah exclaimed, "I couldn't possibly take this,"

"This is a family heirloom. It was made with a fatal poison, so one cut could kill a person and it will also morph into your animagus form,"

"And your Mother is giving this to me? Your Father is condoning this?"

"They want you to be safe, Father does like you he just doesn't want me to be someone that is not a

"Great," Aliah said sarcastically

"He still cares about you and in time, he will agree,"

"One day," Aliah smile as she placed the deadly weapon back into the box and closed it shut.

"This one is from me," Draco said swapping the box in Aliah's hand for his small box. She quickly unwrapped it. Draco had given her a necklace of a tiger's head. It was gold and black with red gems for eyes.

"This is absolutely stunning, thank you!" Aliah kissed Draco and pulled back to place the necklace around her neck.

"It's charmed. When you are in your animagus from it will allow us to talk to one another without speaking a word or you being in human form," Draco lifted his hand to show the Malfoy ring, "as long as I wear my ring we can talk to each other through mind,"

"Wow. You thought of this a lot,"

"I want you to be safe," Draco wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest

"and I you," Aliah closed her eyes and savored the peaceful moment.

Aliah went down stairs to finally face her father. She knocked twice before she heard her father's deep voice to enter. Aliah walked in and her father was at his desk marking student work. He didn't look up at Aliah.

"We need to talk," Aliah spoke quietly. Snape didn't move, "I'm sorry, I just felt angry that you weren't listening to reason. I know you only did it to not show favourtism but there is a difference between showing favourtism and listening to the whole story,"

A silence fell over the classroom. Aliah sighed and turned to the door, she said her part.

"I'm sorry too," Snape broke the silence. Aliah turned on the spot and saw her father staring at her.

"You have to understand Aliah I'm still not used to this. We've only known each other for just over a year and look at you! You have a boyfriend a serious one, you're doing work beyond expectations and you are dealing with things no young child should," Snape sighed and hunched his shoulders. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again, "I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I love you so much that I never want to lose you and I'm scared of losing you. I only just got you back and I don't know how to do this father daughter thing,"

"I love you too and I think you are doing an excellent father daughter thing," Aliah ran to her father and gave him the biggest hug. When she collided with him he let out a small "oof" but he happily wrapped his arms around his daughter, not wanting to ever let her go.

"I have something for you," Snape said pulling back. He reached inside his cloak and held a square red box.

"This was going to be a gift from your mother and I when you turn seventeen but under the circumstances, I believe you should have it now. Happy birthday my little tiger,"

Aliah took the box from Snape's hand and opened it. Inside was a snake armband. It was silver with black gems for eyes.

"I love it thank you! But what do you mean under the circumstances?" Aliah asked as she pushed the armband up her arm.

"Think of your magic flowing through you,"

"Excuse me?" Aliah crossed her arms

"Trust me," Snape smirked. Aliah placed her hands by her side and imagined all her power flowing through her arms to her finger tips, from her head to her toes. Aliah felt the power but then felt something sliding down her arm. Aliah's eyes shot open and saw her arm band unwind and slither down her arm to her hand. Aliah screamed at the sight and tried to shake it off.

"It's ok, it's ok," Snape said

"What is this?" Aliah said holding her arm out as the snake was still twisting around her arm

"it's a weapon. It's a whip that can cut though anything and can turn into a pole to fight with. It is connected with elemental magic, Earth magic as you call it when it morps into a staff,"

"So you mean I can will the elements around me?"

"Yes it is much stronger than your wandless magic. When you turn seventeen I can morph your wand into it so it becomes your wand,"

"I've never heard such magic,"

"It's very rare. Unfortunately Mr Ollivander was not at his shop when I went in the holidays so he could not do it. For now you can wait until you are seventeen,"

"Thank you," Aliah gave Snape another hug

"Let's practice shall we? Did you get Narcissa and Lucius's present?"

"How did you know?" Aliah asked

"A few weeks ago Lucius came around and asked for some poison for the dagger and he told me it was for you. I think he actually cares about you, or maybe Narcissa made him. I do not know,"

"It's beautiful," Aliah laughed and showed him the presents the Malfoy family and Draco had given her.

Aliah Snape: For Those Who We Love (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now