Chapter 8

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Waking up to sunshine is nice, but waking up next to Rhian is like having sunshine in my own bed with her arms wrapped around my waist and her legs tangled in mine. This woman with her soft smiles and the passion with which she comes to me is enough to break me down. It's enough to make me want to tear down every single wall she has erected around her heart and beg her to let me in again.

"I am not letting you go this time." I whispered, kissing her forehead softly. I got up from the bed, careful not to wake Rhian. I decided to make a breakfast for the two of us.

Carrying a tray into the bedroom at nine o'clock, one minute before the alarm was set to go off, I saw Rhian still sleeping peacefully with her blond hair smoothed over her perfectly chiseled face. I parked the tray on top of the bureau, switched off the alarm and then laid down on the bed next to her.

"Wake up, babe." I put my arms around her and began kissing her cheek, her neck and her shoulder. I heard her mumble something which sounded like "5 more minutes". One of her feet was hanging out of the blanket and I started tickling it. I laughed when she pulled it back. "Wake up you lazy bum." She groaned and turned in her sleep.

What I love about my wife is that she's a really stubborn but strong-minded and fiery woman. I find that sexy than anything else.

I started tickling her again. "I'm starting to get lonely here." I said, pouting.

She started laughing, turning her body in different directions to get away from my fingers. When I stopped tickling her, she opened her eyes and immediately wrapped her arms around me, hugging me back. "Good morning, love love." She mumbled and pressed her face into the crook of my neck.

"Good morning to you too, gorgeous." I said while I listened to the strong, steady beat of our hearts. For the past few days, every moment we've spent together has been awesome. It's priceless. If only I could explain how much those little moments with her really mattered to me now.

In life, there's only one thing more precious than our time, and that's who we spend it on. How I wish Caleb is here with us right now.

I served Rhian the breakfast while she remained in bed. Orange juice first, then a cup of coffee with some milk in it, followed by a pair of two and a half minute eggs and a slice of toast. Her appetite was good while we talked about some random stuffs. It's funny we never run out of things to say and funny how she always made me laugh. She's just so damn sexy, beautiful and hilarious and just overall an amazing person. The way her eyes go when she's about to laugh, I just love that about her. May lighting strike me dead if I ever forget how lucky I am to be sitting next to her now.

"I was having the strangest dream." Rhian said. "One of those nutty, mixed-up marathons where one thing keeps changing into another. But very clear, more clear than real, if you know what I mean."

"Can you remember it?" I asked her as I drank my own coffee and ate my own piece of toast.

"Most of it, I think. But it's starting to fade. I can't see the beginning anymore, but somewhere along the line, you and I with Caleb. We were looking for a new place to live."

"A bigger apartment, I suppose."

"No, not an apartment. A house. We were driving around some city. Not in Manila, but somewhere else, a place I've never been to before. We check an address named Bluebird Avenue. Where do you suppose I dug up that one? Bluebird Avenue." She said as she popped the last piece of toast into her mouth and took a final swallow of her coffee.

"I don't know. But it's a nice name."

"That's just what you said in the dream. You said it was a nice name."

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