7:09 PM

27 3 0

Carmen! I am so happy!

:-| okay....I care because?

Guess what I had for dinner!?




Heck No!

Tacos? (Poor salad is sad)

Yes! (Sorry Salad)

Oh good so you don't need mine. You can leave and you can tell me who you are! Sounds great to me! :-)

Ouch. That one hurt.

Oops! Sorry!

(Golf claps) You want to get rid of me that much, huh? I thought we were having fun! I thought you liked me!

Thought wrong taco boy!

Apologize for not caring!


I know where you live Carmen...

...why would you tell me that?

To scare you...

Creep.... :-/

I am only 18!

I don't care. You're still a creep!

Do I ever get an upgrade?

Depends on who you are!

Nice try. Well, in that case...I will be a creep forever. Or maybe worse...

Why would you say that?

You hate me in person

Never said I didn't here...



Haha no! He's the real creep.


That was a great trip at lunch by the way. You really nailed the landing when you slammed into the trash can!

You saw that?

Everybody did, Carmen...

Darn it!

It made my day.

Was it graceful?

As graceful as riding a bike on rocks.


Yeah...you looked great though! With the salad all over your shirt...nice.

You really are a creep!

I might be. Are you?

That could be an opinion.

Trying to be wise again, are you?

Uh not really...but okay!

Ugh I have so much homework!

Same. :/


Do you have any other news or...are you just going to be annoying?

I will give you one more hint.

Ooh yay! What is it?

My locker is in the same hallway.

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