4:14 PM

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Hey! Are you going to Zach's party tomorrow night? I heard almost the whole school is planning on going.

Huh! Me? A party? Are you sure we have met? I don't do parties. I am an isolated and moody teen on a daily basis. I don't mix well with parties.

Yeah...I guess it was a stupid question. I was just curious to see if you were getting out there more.

That is not on my agenda. I like to go under the radar of detection. It doesn't really work though. People always seem to be able to make insults about me. They don't even know me. That is what makes me mad. Call me a bitch-fine. At least know me first though. You know?

I understand what you mean. I don't make assumptions from first glances.

Good for you!

You should really come though.

Why? Will you be there?

Yeah. Of course. I know the host well.

Maybe I will go then. To find you of course and finally expose you! Mahahahah! Now I am thinking.

Now I wish I didn't have to go.

Are you being forced?

You could say that.

Zach is a nice guy though. I wouldn't be surprised if my friend Emily tries to force me. She's the party girl out of the two of us. If I go in public she is most likely the reason why.

Looks like I am tracking down Emily's number tonight. Gotta persuade ;-)

You love to be creepy, don't you?

I do! I can't be like this in person.

Then it looks like you are in a bad situation because being a creep seem to bring you lots of joy.

One day it will bring me tacos.

And the cops to your house.

Glad to know I can count on you.

Always ;-)

Ahah! A wink! From Carmen! Save me!

Yeah...I knew I felt a little odd.

You really should come to the party!


If you go, I will make a game out of it. I think you may even like it.

What kind of game? Is it the safe? This sounds like pure pressure.

Yes, it's safe. Every time I see you at the party, I will text you a wink. That will be your hint system. I might as well give you a change to figure me out. I mean I do think it's kinda sad that I can call you Carmen but you don't know mine. At the same time...I don't want my name to change this.

Are you drunk already? This is the most you have ever given me to work with! I actually might go now.

I am completely sober.

Looks like I might have a life tomorrow! I didn't think this day would come this quickly. Wow.

So you are going to go?

Yes. I will go to the party.

I hope you are doing well!
We are getting closer and closer to the big reveal. Hang in there a little longer. I want to make the reveal feel right. I want it to bring my characters to the edge of the cliff.

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