12:12 PM

25 3 3

Did everything go okay last night?

I didn't know you cared...you know....from last night.

Never mind. Looks like I don't again.

Sorry. But um yeah, I am trying to sort things out before I go back there.

Sounds like a good idea.


Are you eating tacos right now?

Not sure...maybe

Are you trying to be clever?

No...not really.

So are you or are you not?

Why are you on your phone at lunch?

To crack the case of my mysterious boy who likes to wake me up early.

You won't know, I am good at hiding things :-) I see you looking!

Are you eating tacos!?

Not sure if I would call it tacos, more like mysterious meat in a rock like contraption with "lettuce and cheese."


I'm not kidding though. It's disgusting.

That's true. I am poking it to see if it moves but my friend is eyeing me.

I can see that.


Only for you ;)


Awww you know you love me!

You know I don't care.

Ahah so you got my joke!

I guess so...

Well, I have to go. My friends are getting annoying and bossy.

Bye stalker!

Your NumberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora