4:05 AM

19 3 2

I am assuming you didn't go to the after party?

What's there to assume? We all know I would never go to an after party...

Very true.

Did you go?

I was forced. I just left.

It's like 4...

That's how after parties work with my friends.

Are you the type of people to do fireworks at 2 in the morning?


I am going to take that as a yes!

My music just started randomly playing and it was blasting. I think I woke up my neighbors.

I would hate to be your neighbor.

Yeah...you would ;~)

It would be scary...

I would get a free peep show!

You did not just say that.

But I did XD

You are such a perv!


Please stop winking!

Nah I'm good.

Is it weird I am up at 4?

I was just about to say...

Yeah well, I have to sleep now.


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