10:56 AM

27 4 7

I gave you plenty of sleep. It is time for me to text you. It's the weekend and it is also my lazy day!

I have been up for an hour now.



You should be. I was lonely.

I am sure you were fine with all those people blowing up your phone.

You would think. Yet, they still make me feel lonely when I text them.

I guess I understand that.

So...what are you doing today?

Nothing. I have decided to be a couch potato and eat some chips. Does that make me a cannibal?

I have no idea. Probably you psycho.


Eh, that's fair I guess.

Of course it is. That's why I said it.

Oooh someone is being sassy today!

Meow! This kitty has claws!

I wish I could hiss.

Me too. Or bark.

Or make mating calls.

No...I am sure you already do that. Don't give me any visions please.


Okay this is why I have a love-hate relationship with the wink.

Sorry I can't control myself.

You horn dog...tsk tsk tsk.

I am sure you have a freaky side.

Not towards people.

Oh so you do! Towards what then?

Just my sexy imagination, you know?

Yes, yes I do know.

Right, your a teenage boy.

I am a man.

A teenage man just doesn't sound right. Young man? Maybe. Man? Eh.

I mean 18 is probably young man.

My dad calls everyone younger, young man. He is 49.

How old is mother?

Why? You want an age gap?

Just wondering.


It's unique how in high school four years sounds forbidden but once you enter the real world, it is nothing.

Yeah, I agree.

You are really fun to talk to.

You are too when you aren't too annoying. I am sort of glad I sent that text to you instead of my mom.

So did your mom ever get that text?

Yeah, she did. Dinner was good.

I am sure it was. You had my mouth watering all night thinking about those free tacos.


Well I have to go to my sister's soccer game. I am her number one supporter!  Do you have any siblings?

A brother and two sisters.

Interesting. Well, I gotta go!

Aww, go be a good brother!

Was that sarcasm, Carmen?

No! I love family bonds. Now go!

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