2:58 PM

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I never asked a really important questions that creeps me out...

Wow you are actually texting me first. I might cry because of this touching moment of making some progress.

You done now?




How did you figure out I was Carmen? I thought I was smart, but that should been my first question.

I have my sources.

That sounds super sketchy.

I know!

That's not good.

I promise you, it's pretty normal. I will tell you when I am ready to tell you who I am. When I think what we have in person can be put in the past.


Okay fine. I was put into a group chat with you once. You left right away, but  I might have put the number in my phone.

Are you telling me you had this like secret obsession with me?


Do we have a grudge?

You may have one on me. I don't have one on you. I am telling you too much.

No you aren't. I am barley getting any information from you. I mean you could be lying. You could be a creepy janitor that happened to see me fall into the trash can at lunch. It would also make since that we have the same hallway. There is a closet in that hallway too! Plenty of janitors have dark hair! You could have liked my best friend! I swear, if you are a janitor! Ew just ew. No. Just no.

That fact that all that evidence makes a good case, I'm not. I assure you that I am a 18 year old, with high testosterone levels, dark hair, used to like your friend, and have a locker in the same hallway as you. Also, I ate a piece of metal once! Oh and the obvious one-I love tacos!

Okay there was something in there I did not need to know! That aside though, that is barley anything. There are more than 100 seniors who could probably fit some of those requirements.

Ask around.

That's just weird.

You told me you were weird once. What's the difference?

How long ago was this?

When we first met...so five years ago.

Wow. You remember?

I do.

You must really care about me.

I wish I showed it more in person. Lately I have been trying to.

I will have to keep my eye out.

Don't look to far. Don't hurt your eyes. The truth might blind you.

Are you getting wise on me?

Maybe ;-)

Is it bad I want to accept that wink because you knew I wouldn't.

Come on just accept them! They love you! You love them! They hate you! You hate them! It's a love-hate thing.

Fine...  ;-)

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